Problem in understanding this structure in a python string


I was studying file compression when I came across the following script:

import sys
import os.path
import bz2
import zlib
import base64


def main():
    "Extract the command-line arguments and run the packer."
    except (IndexError, AssertionError):
        print('Usage: {} <filename>'.format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])))

def pack(path):
    "Get the source, compress it, and create a packed file."
    data = read_file(path)
    builder, data = optimize(data)
    with open(os.path.splitext(path)[0] + '.pyw', 'w') as file:
        builder(os.path.basename(path), base64.b64encode(data), file)

def read_file(path):
    "Read the entire file content from path in binary mode."
    assert os.path.isfile(path)
    with open(path, 'rb') as file:

def optimize(data):
    "Compress the data and select the best method to write."
    bz2_data = bz2.compress(data, 9)
    zlib_data = zlib.compress(data, 9)
    sizes = tuple(map(len, (data, bz2_data, zlib_data)))
    smallest = sizes.index(min(sizes))
    if smallest == 1:
        return build_bz2_extractor, bz2_data
    if smallest == 2:
        return build_zlib_extractor, zlib_data
    return build_b64_extractor, data


def build_bz2_extractor(filename, data, file):
    "Write a Python program that uses bz2 data compression."
    print("import base64, bz2, os", file=file)
    print("data =", data, file=file)
    print("with open({!r}, 'wb') as file:".format(filename), file=file)
    print("    file.write(bz2.decompress(base64.b64decode(data)))", file=file)
    print("os.startfile({!r})".format(filename), file=file)

def build_zlib_extractor(filename, data, file):
    "Pack data into a self-extractor with zlib compression."
    print("import base64, zlib, os", file=file)
    print("data =", data, file=file)
    print("with open({!r}, 'wb') as file:".format(filename), file=file)
    print("    file.write(zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(data)))", file=file)
    print("os.startfile({!r})".format(filename), file=file)

def build_b64_extractor(filename, data, file):
    "Create a Python file that may not utilize compression."
    print("import base64, os", file=file)
    print("data =", data, file=file)
    print("with open({!r}, 'wb') as file:".format(filename), file=file)
    print("    file.write(base64.b64decode(data))", file=file)
    print("os.startfile({!r})".format(filename), file=file)

I had a hard time understanding this script because I've never seen syntax like this:

print("import base64, bz2, os", file=file)

Specifically the part: file = file

What does this mean?

asked by anonymous 27.03.2017 / 18:34

1 answer


According to the DOCS (I also did not know this possibility of print() ) this argument in this case will write from within a file, eg:

print("import base64, bz2, os", file=open('tests.txt', 'w'))

Here we write inside the file tests.txt to string "import base64, bz2, os" .

By default this argument (keyword) in technical terms in the python context has the value of sys.stdout , which is for example the print that we see in our terminal when we execute without file=... is explicitly defined.

I did not run the program, but from what I'm seeing this program when executed will create another program writing the code (as shown above) in another file already open in write mode ( w ), is the argument file that enters the last three functions, ex: def build_bz2_extractor(filename, data, file):

27.03.2017 / 19:00