When you click Select All, all checkboxes are checked


I have the following form where the user can mark all the clients at once:



...$listar="<div class=\"rkmd-checkbox checkbox-rotate checkbox-ripple\">
           <label class=\"input-checkbox checkbox-primary\">
               <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"marcarTodos\" onclick=\"marcarDesmarcar();\">
               <span class=\"checkbox\" style='font-weight: bold'></span>
           <div class=\"captions\" style='font-weight: bold'>SELECIONAR TODOS</div>
$listar .= "<table class='table table-bordered'>
             <th style='background-color: #4682B4; color: #FFF; text-align: center'>Cliente</th>
             <th style='background-color: #4682B4; color: #FFF; text-align: center'>Compras</th>
$c = 1;
while($jmListar = mysqli_fetch_object($sqlListar)){
   $listar .= "<tr>";
   $listar .= "<td><input type='hidden' name='Clientes[]' value='".$jmListar->IdCadastros."'><i class=\"fa fa-caret-right\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i> ".$jmListar->NomeUsuarios."</td>";
   $listar .= "<td>
               <div align='center'>
               <div class=\"rkmd-checkbox checkbox-rotate checkbox-ripple\">
                  <label class=\"input-checkbox checkbox-success\">
                      <input type=\"checkbox\" class='marcar' name='Comprou[]' value='S' id=\"checkbox\">
                      <span class=\"checkbox\"></span>
                  <div class=\"captions\">Sim</div>
   $listar .= "</tr>";
$listar .= "</table>";
$listar .= "</div>";


function marcarDesmarcar()
  } else {

At last, a mess only. How do I click Select All , it marks all the checkboxes, but when you uncheck one of them, the Select All checkbox is unchecked too?

asked by anonymous 03.04.2018 / 02:14

2 answers


You can do this, you will have full control over the checkboxes. When some is deselected, the "SELECT ALL" will be deselected and vice versa:

function marcarDesmarcar()
   $(":checkbox[name*='Comprou']").prop("checked", $("#marcarTodos").is(":checked") ? true : false );

   var mTodos = $("#marcarTodos");
   if(mTodos.is(":checked") && !$(this).is(":checked")){
      mTodos.prop("checked", false );
      var cbs = $(":checkbox[name*='Comprou']");
      var allchkd = true;
      for(var x=0; x<cbs.length; x++){
            allchkd = false;
      if(allchkd) mTodos.prop("checked", true );
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script><tableborder="1">
      <input onclick="marcarDesmarcar()" id="marcarTodos" type="checkbox"> Selecionar todos
      <input name="Comprou[]" type="checkbox">
      <input name="Comprou[]" type="checkbox">
03.04.2018 / 02:38

Just fix your code:


It was .prop("checked","checked"); . I hope to help:

function marcarDesmarcar()
  } else {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script><inputtype="checkbox" id="marcarTodos" onclick="marcarDesmarcar()">
Marcar/Desmarcar Todos
<input type="checkbox" name="Comprou">
Item 1
<input type="checkbox" name="Comprou">
Item 2
03.04.2018 / 02:51