Change behavior default chips materialize


Can you add a tag to the user by clicking the enter E in the space ? By default the materialize chips it adds only if you click enter ...

I did not find anything about it, the materialize documentation is pretty bad.

For example, if you are separating by spaces and clicking the enter it looks like this:

The right thing would be:

body {
  padding: 30px;
<script src=""></script><linkrel="stylesheet" href="">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script><divclass="chips"></div>
asked by anonymous 21.12.2018 / 19:53

1 answer


To add chips with the space key, simply add the one function to the onkeyup method. This way you can detect which keys the user has pressed; if space , just use the addChip function.


/* Instancia e cria os campos */
let chips = $('.chips').chips();

 * 1. Captura as instancias do Chip
 * 2. Procura o campo utilizado para escrita
 * 3. Adiciona o evento "keyup" para detecção das teclas
$(chips).find("input").on("keyup", function(e) {

  /* Verifica se o usuário pressionou a tecla "espaço" */
  if (e.keyCode == 32) {
     * Captura a instância do "chip"
     * Isto permitirá adicionar, deletar ou selecionar as opções
    let instance = M.Chips.getInstance($(this).parent());
    /* Adiciona o "chip" no campo */
      tag: this.value
    /* Limpa o campo de texto */
    this.value = ""
body {
  padding: 30px;
<script src=""></script><linkrel="stylesheet" href="">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script><divclass="chips"></div>
21.12.2018 / 22:56