Array cookiesplit contain exactly this content:
_ga=GA1.2.1458519878.1422527074, newsletter=ok, tracking202subid=30883,
tracking202pci=6308836, _gat=1
This above is an array, cookiesplit
was built like this below:
cookie = document.cookie;
cookiesplit = [];
cookiesplit = cookie.split(";");
Well, you see, at some index of this array we have the value newsletter = ok , I checked this by doing a $(cookiesplit).each(function(x){}
The problem is that you are returning -1 when I check if they contain this value newsletter = ok , see the code that does this check:
res = $.inArray("newsletter=ok", cookiesplit); // res retorna -1
In my understanding, it was to return the value of the newsletter = ok value, since it exists, if it did not exist it would return -1, but as I showed above, p>