Inverted path, walk backwards


Hello. I've been trying to know if I can reverse a path?

How can I reverse a path and then follow normally? for example I need to revert a path to this string (LPCWSTR path =) so I need to get back a few folders and then follow the normal path



LPCWSTR path = (L"C:\pasta1\texto.txt");

Inverse Direction

LPCWSTR path = (L"C://Pasta2// \aqui continua normal \pasta1\texto.txt");

in folder2 I need to step back and past folder1 I need to continue normally.

How do I do this?

Thank you

asked by anonymous 17.03.2017 / 04:14

1 answer


To return a directory ../

../../ returns two directories.

17.03.2017 / 04:23