How to make animation occur several times


I have a project where I imported animate.css so the transitions would be funnier, but one of them only occurs to me once.

var check = true;



      $(".p1").show().removeClass().addClass("animated flipOutX").on('webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend', 
      function(e) {
        $(".p2").show().addClass("animated flipInX");

    } else {
      $(".p2").show().removeClass().addClass("animated flipOutX").on('webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend',   
      function(e) {
        $(".p1").show().addClass("animated flipInX");

    check = !check;
<script src=""></script><linkhref="" rel="stylesheet"/>

<p class="p1">Click me away!</p>
<p class="p2">Click me too!</p>

<button class="btnFlip">Click</button>

As you can see in the code above, the animation is only done once and I wanted to replace a p with another how many times I clicked on button

asked by anonymous 29.09.2017 / 13:08

1 answer


In the Github of daneden teaches you how to do this using jQuery.


  animateCss: function(animationName) {
    var animationEnd = 'webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend';
    this.addClass('animated ' + animationName).one(animationEnd, function() {
      $(this).removeClass('animated ' + animationName);
    return this;

setInterval(function() {
}, 3000);

$(".btnFlip").click(function () {
 display: none;
<script src=""></script><linkhref="" rel="stylesheet" />

<p class="p1">Click me away!</p>
<p class="p2">Click me too!</p>

<button class="btnFlip">Click</button>

You can create a jQuery function to simplify the whole process, in this example animateCss() gets the name of the effect as a parameter. Inside the function it waits for all the animation to finish to remove the properties of the same and thus to run again.

You can also set a setInterval() to trigger the animation from time to time.

29.09.2017 / 13:26