Getting TD value and putting it in the array - JavaScript


I need to get the value of a td and place it in the array as in the following example:

	function finalizaCompra() {
    var tbl = document.getElementById("tblItens");
    var produto = [];
    if (tbl != null) {
        for (var i = 0; i < tbl.rows.length; i++) {
            for (var j = 0; j < tbl.rows[i].cells.length; j++)
                produto[j] = tbl.rows[i].cells[j];
<table id="tblItens">
		<td> 1 </td>
		<td> 2 </td>

<img src = "" onclick="finalizaCompra()" width="100" height="100" />	

But returns as undefined, can you help me?

asked by anonymous 01.11.2017 / 12:28

3 answers


You can get the td elements you want with querySelectorAll , scroll through the returned list, and add the value of the innerHTML attribute to the array . Here's an example:

const tds = document.querySelectorAll("#tblItens td");
const values = [];

tds.forEach(td => {

<table id="tblItens">

If you need the value as an integer, just put parseInt(td.innerHTML, 10)) in push of array .

With ES6, you can simplify the code a bit by using the ellipsis to convert the NodeList returned by querySelectorAll to an array and map it by doing:

const tds = document.querySelectorAll("#tblItens td");
const values = [...tds].map(td => td.innerHTML);

<table id="tblItens">
01.11.2017 / 12:38

Its function is almost correct except for two problems:

1st. Catch only cell text:

textContent was missing in produto[j] = tbl.rows[i].cells[j]; to get only the text inside the cell. The correct would be: produto[j] = tbl.rows[i].cells[j].textContent;

2nd. Invalid value in j :


When you call j after loop for has completed, it ends the variable j with a value that is more than the size of the array, so it is returning undefined . >

Your correct code would be:

function finalizaCompra() {
    var tbl = document.getElementById("tblItens");
    var produto = [];
    if (tbl != null) {
        for (var i = 0; i < tbl.rows.length; i++) {
            for (var j = 0; j < tbl.rows[i].cells.length; j++)
                produto[j] = tbl.rows[i].cells[j].textContent;
                console.log(produto); // irá retornar toda a array

function finalizaCompra() {
    var tbl = document.getElementById("tblItens");
    var produto = [];
    if (tbl != null) {
        for (var i = 0; i < tbl.rows.length; i++) {
            for (var j = 0; j < tbl.rows[i].cells.length; j++)
                produto[j] = tbl.rows[i].cells[j].textContent;
<table id="tblItens">
		<td> 1 </td>
		<td> 2 </td>
01.11.2017 / 12:50

The solution in Anderson's answer is simpler, but it follows an option using jQuery:

 var data = [];
 $('#tblItens').find("tr").each(function (i, el) {
        var row = [];
        var td = $(this).find('td');
<script src=""></script><tableid="tblItens">
		<td> 1 </td>
		<td> 2 </td>
		<td> 3 </td>
		<td> 4 </td>
01.11.2017 / 12:40