How to create a project based on Laravel to be the basis of others?


My idea is to create a base administrative panel, where I can use the next sites, without having to copy and paste. In the base I have only the control of users and menus, the rest I am creating packages and require each new site only what is necessary. You're all in the packagist with webhook set up. So when I create a new website, I do:

composer create-project meuusuario/meucms novo_projeto

So far so good, but I can not make other projects dependent on the base.

For example: if I changed something on the base, others will update via composer update. Is this possible?

asked by anonymous 16.06.2016 / 14:31

1 answer


As you have pointed out, creating a project that will be used as a base will not create a dependency with the initial base. The repository will be cloned and later updates need to be made manually. The Laravel repository itself uses this flow, where what has changed since the time you created the project will not be applied automatically.

This type of flow is legal if your panel is already mature and will not undergo so many changes.

Otherwise, the best thing to do is create an external package for this project and use it as a dependency, so the dashboard code will be upgradable from a composer update .

01.08.2016 / 03:11