SE function, SOMASE or what?


I'm trying to put together a formula, but I know less than the basics about Excel. I made a spreadsheet for sales control, and I put the cakes, sweet, savory, in columns and so far everything was going well, I used the SOMA function in the column but then I decided to put a column for the party kits and I have kits for 10,20,30,40,50 up to 100 people, and each one has a price, I want a formula that if I put in the column for example the 10 and in the total value was added the value of the kit of 10 people and not the 10 itself.

asked by anonymous 16.06.2016 / 21:55

2 answers


I created the table as an example:



in cell E3 and copy it to cell E10

and put the formula:


in cell E11

Add your kits in rows A3 through A10 with the values in rows B3 through B10 and sales in rows D3 through D10 and will have the value in cell E11

16.06.2016 / 22:15

Does Leonardo speak well?

You will have to create a table with the values and use "somase" to simplify the search.


I separated in two "tabs", to avoid that the values are lost or altered erroneously in the day to day.

Follow the spreadsheet link on google drive, if it is, you can download and adapt it for your needs;)



24.06.2016 / 03:29