It's best to use DateTime :: createFromFormat () yourself. It was made for this and treats conditions that its regular expression does not treat.
I can not tell you which is the fastest (vote in DateTime) because this will depend on the implementation and version of PHP.
For versions of PHP smaller than 5.3, the documentation presents this alternative code for DateTime :: createFromFormat ():
static function createFromFormat ($format, $time){
assert ($format!="");
return new DateClass();
$regexpArray['Y'] = "(?P<Y>19|20\d\d)";
$regexpArray['m'] = "(?P<m>0[1-9]|1[012])";
$regexpArray['d'] = "(?P<d>0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])";
$regexpArray['-'] = "[-]";
$regexpArray['.'] = "[\. /.]";
$regexpArray[':'] = "[:]";
$regexpArray['space'] = "[\s]";
$regexpArray['H'] = "(?P<H>0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3])";
$regexpArray['i'] = "(?P<i>[0-5][0-9])";
$regexpArray['s'] = "(?P<s>[0-5][0-9])";
$formatArray = str_split ($format);
$regex = "";
// create the regular expression
foreach($formatArray as $character){
if ($character==" ") $regex = $regex.$regexpArray['space'];
elseif (array_key_exists($character, $regexpArray)) $regex = $regex.$regexpArray[$character];
$regex = "/".$regex."/";
// get results for regualar expression
preg_match ($regex, $time, $result);
// create the init string for the new DateTime
$initString = $result['Y']."-".$result['m']."-".$result['d'];
// if no value for hours, minutes and seconds was found add 00:00:00
if (isset($result['H'])) $initString = $initString." ".$result['H'].":".$result['i'].":".$result['s'];
else {$initString = $initString." 00:00:00";}
$newDate = new DateClass ($initString);
return $newDate;
And as you can see they also use regex (not in versions 5.3+). But, regex by regex, use DateTime :: createFromFormat () same.