Validate Fields and Make Form Send


In this script below I validate the fields if the passwords are the same I'm not sure how to make the form work only if the passwords are the same

function validarSenha() {
  NovaSenha = document.FormSenha.Password.value
  CNovaSenha = document.FormSenha.CNovaSenha.value

  if (NovaSenha == CNovaSenha) {
    $("#status2").html(" Senha OK"); // abre minha div
    // regra para fazero o formulario enviar
    setTimeout(function() { // fecha minha div
    }, 5000);
  } else {
    $("#status").html(" A Segunda senha não confere");
    // regra para não fazer o formulario enviar                     
    setTimeout(function() { // 
    }, 5000);

$datalog = date('Y-m-d');
$horalog = date('H:i:s');
$ip = file_get_contents(''); // Pega o ip WAN
   echo $id = $_SESSION["id_user"];

    $acao = $_REQUEST["ac"];
    $id_user = $_REQUEST["err"];
    $acao2 = $_REQUEST["ac2"];
if ($acao == 'troc'){
          if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) { 
        $id_user = $_REQUEST["err"];
        $senha_a = md5(trim($_REQUEST["senha_antiga"])); 

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE id_user='$id_user' AND senha_n = '$senha_a' "); 
    $dados = mysql_fetch_array($sql); 

if(mysql_num_rows($sql) <= 0){

$alert = '<div style=" 
                        color: white; 
                        height: 50px; 
                        border-style: solid;
                        background-color: red;padding-left: 20px; padding-top: 8px; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 14px;"> 
Senha Antiga não confere

$sql = mysql_query ("INSERT INTO log 
('$id_transfer1','$id_user','Senha Tentativa de Trocar Senha','$login','$datalog.$horalog','$ip')", $conecta) or die( mysql_error());


$alert = '<div style=" 
                        color: white; 
                        height: 50px; 
                        border-style: solid;
                        background-color: green;padding-left: 20px; padding-top: 8px; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 14px;"> 
Senha Alterada com Sucesso

     $Password = md5(trim($_REQUEST["Password"])); 

$consulta = "UPDATE usuarios SET senha_n = '$Password',acesso = '0' 
WHERE id_user = '$id_user'";
$resultado = mysql_query($consulta) or die( mysql_error());

$sql = mysql_query ("INSERT INTO log 
('$id_transfer1','$id_user','$id_user Alterou sua Senha','$login','$datalog.$horalog','$ip')", $conecta) or die( mysql_error());



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<script src=""></script><!----------------------------comparandosenha----------------------------------------><script>functionvalidarSenha(){NovaSenha=document.getElementById("Password").value;
  CNovaSenha = document.getElementById("CNovaSenha").value;

  if (NovaSenha != CNovaSenha) {
    $("#status2").html("A Segunda senha não confere");
    setTimeout(function() { $("#status2").remove(); }, 5000);
    return false;

  return true;

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<br /><br />
<h2 style="text-align: center;"> Alterar Senha</h2>
<div id="login">
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	<div class="widget widget-heading-simple widget-body-gray">
	<div class="widget-body">
	<form method="POST" onsubmit="validarSenha() class="form" id="FormSenha" name="FormSenha" action="troca.php" >
                        <input type="hidden" name="ac"  value="troc"/>
                        <input type="hidden" name="err"  value="<?echo $id_user?>"/>
						<input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="login"    value="<?echo $login?>"/> 
                        <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="login"  value=""/> 
						<label>Senha Antiga:</label>
						<input type="password" class="form-control"  maxlength="12" size="12"  name="senha_antiga" placeholder="Senha" />
                        <label>Nova Senha:</label>
						<input class="form-control" required=""  id="Password" name="Password" data-val="true" data-val-length="Minimo 6 caracteres." data-val-length-max="100" data-val-length-min="6" data-val-required="password is required" placeholder="min 6 caracteres" maxlength="12" rows="12" type="password" />
                        <div id="pw-val-container">
                          <div id="pw-val-progress">
                                        <div id="pw-val-verdict"></div>
                                        <div id="pw-val-errors"></div>
                        <label>Repita a Senha:</label>
                        <input type="password" required="" class="form-control"  maxlength="12" size="12" id="CNovaSenha" onblur="validarSenha()"  name="senha2" placeholder="Repita" />
						<a class="password" href="">Esqueceu sua senha?</a>
	                    <div class="separator bottom clearfix"></div>
						<div class="row">
						<div class="col-md-8">
						<button  class="btn btn-block btn-inverse" onblur="validarSenha()" name="submit" type="submit">Alterar</button></div>
						<div class="col-md-4 center"><button  class="btn btn-block" style="background-color: #8080FF; color: white;" onblur="validarSenha()" name="submit" type="submit">Logar</button></div>
        <div class="col-md-4">      

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    <h6 style="text-align: center;">Todos os direitos reservados a Mpitech</h6>
    <div class="widget-body" style="text-align: right;">
asked by anonymous 19.02.2017 / 23:33

2 answers


Something you can do, if you are not already doing so, is to call the validarSenha function on the onsubmit event of the form:

<form ... onsubmit="validarSenha()">

In this way, when the user presses the send button, the function will be called, validating the passwords. The interesting thing is that if this function returns true , the request is propagated naturally, as you defined in action of the form. But if you return false , the request is canceled. In this case, you'd better just check when the passwords are not equal, as below:

function validarSenha() {
  var NovaSenha = document.getElementById("Password").value;
  var CNovaSenha = document.getElementById("CNovaSenha").value;

  if (NovaSenha != CNovaSenha) {
    $("#status2").html("A Segunda senha não confere");
    setTimeout(function() { $("#status2").remove(); }, 5000);
    return false;

  return true;

That is, if the password is different, the error message appears and returns false , canceling the request of the form. Otherwise, it returns true , allowing the form to be sent.

20.02.2017 / 00:34

I came up with a solution that worked well

return false; 

function validarSenha() {
  NovaSenha = document.FormSenha.Password.value
  CNovaSenha = document.FormSenha.CNovaSenha.value

  if (NovaSenha == CNovaSenha) {
    $("#status2").html(" Senha OK"); // abre minha div
    return true; 
    setTimeout(function() { // fecha minha div
    }, 5000);
    return true
  } else {
    $("#status").html(" A Segunda senha não confere");
    // regra para não fazer o formulario enviar                     
    return false; 
    setTimeout(function() { // 
    }, 5000);
    return false
20.02.2017 / 04:01