I am having difficulty querying between 4 tables, being them. States > Municipalities > Deaths > Population The query is returning the value of the population with a higher than true number ... Can anyone help me with this query?
select estados.nome, sum(obitos.quantidade) as Obitos,
sum(populacao.quantidade) as Pupolação
from estados
inner join municipios on (estados.idEstado = municipios.idEstado)
inner join obitos on (municipios.idMunicipio = obitos.idMunicipio)
inner join populacao on (municipios.idMunicipio = populacao.idMunicipio)
where obitos.data between '2008-01-01' and '2008-12-01'
and populacao.data = '2008-01-01'
GROUP BY estados.nome;
In this consultation I will add all populations of my municipalities and return the total by states, along with the number of deaths in the states.
Here's the ER model: