Problem with jQuery filter?


I have this filter in jQuery:

    var aeroportosida = [];
    Filtro.prototype.filtroAereoNomeIda = function(value){
        var dataa = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(;
        aeroportosida = [];
        if(value.length == 1){
            var nm = value[0].split('- (')[1].split('|')[0];
            var nomev = nm.substr(0,(nm.length - 1));
            //var nomev = value[0].split('- ')[1].substr(1, (value[0].split('|')[0].split('- ')[1].substr(1).length -1));
            var precov = value[0].split('|')[1];
                var resposta = pesquisa.trecho[0].voo.filter(function(voos){
                    var nome = voos.aeroportoOrigem.sgIata;
                    var preco = voos.vooTarifa.tarifa.vlPagamento;
                    return nome == nomev && preco == precov;
                pesquisa.trecho[0].voo = resposta;
                return resposta.length > 0;
        }else if(value.length > 1){
            $.grep(value, function(n, i){
                var nm = n.split('- (')[1].split('|')[0];
                var nomev = nm.substr(0,(nm.length - 1));
                var precov = n.split('|')[1];
                Array.prototype.push.apply(aeroportosida, dataa.filter(function(pesquisa){
                    var respostas = pesquisa.trecho[0].voo.filter(function(voos){
                        var nome = voos.aeroportoOrigem.sgIata;
                        var preco = voos.vooTarifa.tarifa.vlPagamento;
                        return nome != nomev && preco != precov;
                    pesquisa.trecho[0].voo = respostas;
                    return respostas.length > 0;
        }else if(value.length == 0){
            return this;
        } = aeroportosida;
        return this;

It filters according to a list of checkbox . When I select only 1 checkbox it filters normally, but when I select more than 1 it does not filter, and returns null .

In the value parameter I pass the values of checkbox selected to array .

Does anyone know why it can not filter more than 1?

I need to filter a JSON according to the array data. For example if I pass two values in the array I have to filter json by the first value then refile json by the second value.

I made this filter over this JSFIDDLE that came out this question


var respostas = pesquisa.trecho[0].voo.filter(function(voos){


Array.prototype.push.apply(aeroportosida, dataa.filter(function(pesquisa){

Example: link

Note that no: {"sqTrecho":1,"voo":[]} voo: can not return []

asked by anonymous 27.07.2017 / 13:35

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