Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token


I'm consuming data returned from a JSON Web Service , where I run arrays , to compare values between URLs and < strong> if equal , replace with its name. We have teams, places, categories and modal names, each with its identification code, eg:

Return of one of Team URL results using var_dump:

array(1241) { 
 [0]=> array(5) { 
  ["codigo"]=> string(1) "4"
  ["modalidade"]=> string(1) "2" 
  ["categoria"]=> string(1) "4" 
  ["nome"]=> string(8) "Arbos SA" 
  ["abreviado"]=> string(3) "ARB" 
The string of the Teams URL is matched with the string from > URL results , and if the two are the same, it replaces the return by the team name, and the same rule applies to the other URLs. I created a script using PHP to filter them and jQuery to start the tables, the script works, but sometimes I would return some errors like:


Illegal string offset


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach

I've been studying here in the php forum and documentation and found solutions like is_array, isset and empty, I tried to apply them correctly, but as your layperson in php I think it's not correct , and even after touching the code so much, began to return:


Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token

In the chrome console, to what I researched, some of the keys are closed in the wrong way, I already looked for the error and did not find where ... I desperately ask for help, someone who can explain the applications and syntax so I can run the code without errors, thank you in advance for your time and attention!


$api_resultados = 'https://sportsmanager.com.br/api/[email protected]&token=SXLSO8342HSDE78623GVS7234GNMSKL&inicio=2018-'. $dm .'-01&fim='. $dt .'-12-31';
$resultados = wp_remote_get( $api_resultados );
$resultado = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $resultados), true);

Errors occur between these lines, sometimes in the array_column with the array_search, sometimes in the foreach:

        if(!empty($campeonato) && !is_array($campeonato) && !is_array($resultado) && !is_array($equipe) && !is_array($local) && !is_array($categoria) && !is_array($modalidade)){

        print_r('Não encontrado');


    $col =  array_column($equipe, 'codigo');

    $loc =  array_column($local, 'codigo');

    $cat =  array_column($categoria, 'codigo');

    $mod =  array_column($modalidade, 'codigo');

    foreach($campeonato as $camp){



                foreach($resultado as $result){



                    if(isset($result['mandante']) && isset($result['visitante']) && isset($result['local']) && isset($result['data'])) {

                $key4 = array_search($camp['categoria'], $cat);

                $categorizacao = '';

                    $categorizacao = $categoria[$key4]['nome'];

                $key5 = array_search($camp['modalidade'], $mod);

                $modalidadez = '';

                    $modalidadez = $modalidade[$key5]['nome'];

                $key1 = array_search($result['mandante'], $col);

                $mandante = '';

                    $mandante = $equipe[$key1]['nome'];

                $key2 = array_search($result['visitante'], $col);

                $visitante = '';

                    $visitante = $equipe[$key2]['nome'];

                $key3 = array_search($result['local'], $loc);

                $localizacao = '';

                    $localizacao = $local[$key3]['nome'];

                $data = $result['data'];
                $data = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($data));

                $i = 0;

                if(isset($camp['codigo']) && isset($result['campeonato']) && $camp['codigo'] == $result['campeonato']){
                    $retorno_resultados[++$i][] = array(
                        'mandante' => $result['mandante'], 
                        'visitante' => $result['visitante'],
                        'nm_mandante' => $mandante,
                        'nm_visitante' => $visitante,
                        'nm_cat' => $categorizacao,
                        'nm_mod' => $modalidadez,
                        'nm_local' => $localizacao,
                        'id' => $camp['codigo'],
                        'modalidade' => $camp['modalidade'],
                        'categoria' => $camp['categoria'],
                        'data' => $result['data'],
                        'data_certa' => $data,
                        'placar1n' => $result['placar1n'],
                        'placar2n' => $result['placar2n'],
                        'placar1p' => $result['placar1p'],
                        'placar2p' => $result['placar2p'],
                        'placar1s' => $result['placar1s'],
                        'placar2s' => $result['placar2s'],
                        'jogo' => $result['jogo'],
                        'horario' => $result['horario'],
                        'jogo' => $result['codigo'],


     $(function() {

        <?php foreach($retorno_resultados as $val){ ?>

        var html3 = '';
        var id='';

        <?php foreach($val as $res){ ?>

        html3 += '<tr><td><?php echo $res['data_certa'];?>&nbsp às &nbsp<?php echo $res['horario'];?></td><td><?php echo $res['nm_local'];?></td><td><?php echo $res['nm_mandante'];?></td><td><?php echo $res['nm_visitante'];?></td><td><?php echo $res['nm_mod']?>&nbsp<?php echo $res['nm_cat']?></td></tr>';

        id = <?php echo $res['id'] ?>;

        <?php } ?>

        <?php } ?>


I'm online all the time if you need more information, or if you want to chat, I can also pass the URLs to compare the values for the explanation, a big hug!

asked by anonymous 30.08.2018 / 14:29

0 answers