how to insert an image by css?


I want to insert into my style.css file an image that is inside the images folder that is inside my assets folder. Which path do I have to describe to reach this directory?

asked by anonymous 02.05.2018 / 14:06

2 answers


Stephan basically u have to go up one folder up using the ../ and falling at the root of pasta assets after u have to enter in the /images , then browse your image in the folder /nome-imagem.jpg

Then your path would look like this: url(../imagens/nome-imagem.jpg)

Read this answer that will help you much better understand how this "navigation" by grazing Project Difference between './', '../' and '/'

02.05.2018 / 14:14
___ erkimt ___ how to insert an image by css? ______ qstntxt ___



Stephan basically u have to go up one folder up using the <img src="../data/imagens/picture.jpg ... and falling at the root of %code% after u have to enter in the %code% , then browse your image in the folder %code%

Then your path would look like this: %code%

Read this answer that will help you much better understand how this "navigation" by grazing Project Difference between './', '../' and '/'

______ ___ azszpr295547

Can not insert images by css Css is only for site design! To insert the image must be in html , this is an example of how to put

<img src="img_girl.jpg" alt="Girl in a jacket">

to access the folder is to indicate the example path: %code%

02.05.2018 / 14:13