N = Index of your resource (ex: 0,1,2 and etc).
According to documentation , the default resource directory (aka resources) is located in:
What would give us the possibility of access through the expression:
However , you can specify a directory other than the default directory for features:
In addition, you can still specify multiple resource directories:
Therefore, the expression for a resource directory is:
Where N is the index of your resource. Example:
This may raise another question: How do I know which directory will be associated with index 0, 1, 2, and so on?
There is the help: evaluate plugin that helps you test expressions.
Testing (bash):
mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.build.resources[0].directory | grep -v "\["
mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.build.resources[1].directory | grep -v "\["
Although the plugin documentation specifies the -q (quiet) and -DforceStdout options, I was not successful in displaying only the result of the expression $ {project.build. resources [0] .directory}, so I used grep -v to filter the output.