I've already enabled the HttpGzipStaticModule module and set the
gzip_static on;
But in response headers of a GET request does not appear
Content-Encoding gzip
I've already enabled the HttpGzipStaticModule module and set the
gzip_static on;
But in response headers of a GET request does not appear
Content-Encoding gzip
Look, I think you confused the module. HttpGzipStaticModule serves precompiled files if they exist. That is, if you have image.png
and image.png.gz
and the client asks image.png
, the module will serve image.png.gz
in place. Who does the compression is you.
To compress on time, use the NginxHttpGzipModule . Note, however, that by default it compresses only text/html
. Pay attention to the parameters of this module to configure it right.
Another thing: images are already prepackaged in their vast majority (and in all cases you've cited). Trying to compress them will be useless. There are some tools that can help, such as OptiPNG (see this article with a list). Google also has tips about . But activating gzip will be useless.
Well, I compact the files as soon as I upload the site updates and run this script that generates the * .gz that NGINX fetches.
#! /bin/bash
FILETYPES=( "*.woff" "*.css" "*.jpg" "*.jpeg" "*.gif" "*.png" "*.js" )
# specify a list of directories to check recursively
for currentdir in $DIRECTORIES
for i in "${FILETYPES[@]}"
find $currentdir -iname "$i" -exec bash -c 'PLAINFILE={};GZIPPEDFILE={}.gz; \
if [ -e $GZIPPEDFILE ]; \
then if [ 'stat --printf=%Y $PLAINFILE' -gt 'stat --printf=%Y $GZIPPEDFILE' ]; \
then echo "$GZIPPEDFILE antigo, atualizando"; \
gzip -9 -f -c $PLAINFILE > $GZIPPEDFILE; \
fi; \
else echo "$GZIPPEDFILE estah faltando, criando..."; \
fi' \;