I have the following structure:
<div class="product-price">
R$ 140,00
<div class="product-price">
R$ 165,30
<div class="product-price">
R$ 12,55
<div class="product-price">
R$ 25,22
Among other values that follow the same structure. However, I need to do a js function so that if the product value is less than $ 30, I will not be able to show the number of plots for this product. If it is greater than $ 30, I'll show you the number of plots.
My js structure is this:
function calculaParcelaHome(){
var regex = /\d+,\d+/g;
var texto = $(".product-price").text(); // pega o conteúdo da div Preco Avista no arquivo products.tpl
var valor = regex.exec(texto); //converte a string para int
var insereValor = parseFloat(valor.join("").replace(",",".")); // converte o valor para Float.
if (insereValor >= 30) {
console.log("Valor maior que 30");
console.log("Valor menor que 30");
Only in my role, I can only do the operation for the first Div, and not for the others.
This is the structure of my plots:
<span class="parcelas-produtos">
{l s='3 x de'}
{if !$priceDisplay}{convertPrice price=$product.price /3}{else}{convertPrice price=$product.price_tax_exc}{/if}
How could you make this logic for the rest?