How to do a text search and the Select tag together?


I'm here because I'm having trouble doing a search like any other with <input text> and "search" button only with the tag <select> where it contains in each <option> a value of the search. The question is in jQuery because in php I'm turning here, MVC model system, I hope to be able to help other members with this question.

Here is the html:

<div class='fba_campo'>
    <input type="text" name="pesquisa" id="pesquisa_faq" placeholder="<?=$i->getFormularioIdioma("Pesquisar")?>" class='faq_wh_100'>

<select name='' id='faq_options' class='faq_wh_100'>
    <option value='0'><?=$i->getFormularioIdioma("Todos")?></option>
    <option value='Guia'><?=$i->getFormularioIdioma("Guia")?></option>
    <option value='Materiais'><?=$i->getFormularioIdioma("Materiais")?></option>
    <option value='Produtos'><?=$i->getFormularioIdioma("Produtos")?></option>
    <option value='Vídeos'><?=$i->getFormularioIdioma("Vídeos")?></option>

<div class='fba_button'>
    <input type="button" id="faq_bt_pesquisar" value='<?=$i->getFormularioIdioma("Pesquisar")?>' class='faq_wh_100'>

And the div that will receive the values of the search is the one that is in .hide() :

<div id="tabela_pesquisa">
        <h2 id="h2_transicao_faq" style="color:black;"></h2>    
        <center><img src="<?=$url?>control/img/inwhats/loading_big.gif" id="loading_big_faqpesquisa" style="display: none;"></center>

    <table class="tabela_faq">



And here's the javascript:





            var resposta = eval(data);
            if(resposta.length > 0){

                var html = "";
                for(var b = 0;b < resposta.length;b++){
                     html += "<tr>";
                     html += "<td>"+resposta[b]['pergunta']+"</td>";
                     html += "</tr>";




    }, 2000);


Here is the driver in php:

public function ajaxCarregapesquisafaq(){

    $filtro   = $_POST['filtro'];


        if($filtro == "Guia" || $filtro == "0"){
            $obj_cat    = new daoCategoria();
            $cat        = $obj_cat->Where(" ica_nome LIKE '%".$_POST['pesquisa']."%' OR ica_codigo LIKE '%".$_POST['pesquisa']."%' ")->Consultar();
            $categorias = array();
            foreach($cat as $ct){
                $categorias = array("categoria"=>utf8_encode($ct['ica_nome']),"codigocat"=>$ct['ica_codigo']);

            echo json_encode($categoria);

        }elseif($filtro == "Materiais"){
            $obj_mat   = new daoMaterial();
            $mat       = $obj_mat->Where(" ima_titulo LIKE '%".$_POST['pesquisa']."%' OR ima_codigo LIKE '%".$_POST['pesquisa']."%' ")->Consultar();
            $materiais = array();
            foreach($mat as $mt){
                $materiais[] = array("material"=>utf8_encode($mt['ima_titulo']),"codigomat"=>$mt['ima_codigo']);

            echo json_encode($material);

        }elseif($filtro == "Produtos"){
            $obj_pro  = new daoProduto();
            $pro      = $obj_pro->Where(" ipd_descricao LIKE '%".$_POST['pesquisa']."%' OR ipd_codigo LIKE '%".$_POST['pesquisa']."%' ")->Consultar();
            $produtos = array();
            foreach($pro as $pd){
                $produtos[] = array("produto"=>utf8_encode($pd['ipd_descricao']),"codigopd"=>$pd['ipd_codigo']);

            echo json_encode($produtos);

        }elseif($filtro == "Videos"){
            $obj_vid = new daoVideo();
            $vid     = $obj_vid->Where(" ive_titulo LIKE '%".$_POST['pesquisa']."%' OR ive_codigo LIKE '%".$_POST['pesquisa']."%' ")->Consultar();
            $videos  = array();
            foreach($vid as $vd){
                $videos[] = array("video"=>utf8_encode($vd['ive_titulo']),"codigovid"=>$vd['ive_codigo']);

            echo json_encode($videos);

        echo json_encode(array("resultado"=>"erro"));


Thank you very much, sorry for the incomplete javascript because I am still checking but would like to help me with opinions as well, any help is welcome, thanks again!

asked by anonymous 01.11.2016 / 16:42

1 answer


I would do something like this ...

  $("#faq_area_conteudo").hide(); /*div com o conteudo anterior a ser escondido*/

  var dados = { textoPesquisa : $('pesquisa_faq').val(), optionsPesquisa : $('faq_options').val()};

  $.post( "<?=$url?>insoft/faq/ajaxcarregaconteudo", dados)
    .done(function( data ) {
      alert( "Dados recebidos: " + data );

I created a 'data' JSON object that will take data from the field.

You could also encapsulate the fields in a form with id="formSearch" and instead of setting the 'data' on hand could do so ...

var dados = $('#formPesquisa').serialize();

* (detail that in this case the fields would have to have the "name" set)

01.11.2016 / 17:39