Execute a function 100 milliseconds after an animation starts


I have the function that changes the opacity of several elements with class .single-product to 1 . My problem is that whenever the page loads, this function will run an animation for 500 milliseconds and after that it performs the same function again so that all the elements have a small fade when the page loads. How to make a shorter delay between these animations?

var children = [];
$("#prod-general").children().each(function() {

function fadeThemOut(children) {
    if (children.length > 0) {
        var currentChild = children.shift();
            'opacity': '1'},
            500, function() {


asked by anonymous 01.09.2014 / 20:26

1 answer


My suggestion is:

$("#prod-general > *").each(function (i, el) {
    setTimeout(function () {
        $(el).animate({'opacity': '1'}, 500);
    }, i * 100)

So it traverses all the direct descendants of #prod-general and uses the index that the method passes as a hierarchy and multiplies by 100 milliseconds. In practice each element starts the animation 100 milliseconds after the previous one.

Example: link

01.09.2014 / 23:08