Good morning, I would like to know how do I create a filter in a dropdown that will return me certain events. An example is this: link , but with a dropdown. I glanced at some materials, but nothing that could help me. Thanks
Good morning, I would like to know how do I create a filter in a dropdown that will return me certain events. An example is this: link , but with a dropdown. I glanced at some materials, but nothing that could help me. Thanks
I had a question just like yours. I solved it as follows: whenever the select changes, you get the value of the option and use this value to filter out all the events you've searched for in ajax. An example would be:
$("#calendar").fullCalendar('removeEvents');//remove os eventos anteriores
var idEspacoFisico=$('#seleciona option:selected').val();//Pega o id do option
url:'eventos/getEventos.json', //Pega todos os eventos
success: function(data){
$.each(data,function(index,value){//Para cada valor do data, compara se o campo é igual ao filtro selecionado. Se for igual, renderiza.
$("#calendar").fullCalendar('renderEvent', value, true);