Questions tagged as 'dropdown'


How to populate a DropDownList from another DropDownList

I need to know how to populate a DropDownList from another DropDownList. Example: I have a DropDownList named Project that takes the information from my DB. When I select for example "Project 1" I need in my second DropDownList to load all Sub P...
asked by 23.07.2015 / 13:54

Float half of Dropdown Menu list to another position

How to do in the sixth cell of Menu Dropdown float to left as in the example below: Itriedunsuccessfullysomethinglike:<style>#main-navigation-2.dropdown-menu:nth-child(6),#main-navigation-2.dropdown-menu:nth-child(7),#main-navigation...
asked by 14.12.2017 / 19:03

How to change CheckBox with onChange from DropDownList in ASP.NET MVC Table?

I'm developing a site with ASP.NET MVC and Razor, I have one table with a few columns in one of my pages. I have in this table a State column which has a CheckBox and another column containing a DropDownList with some options. I would like...
asked by 20.05.2016 / 14:27

How to close a dropdown if the user clicks another place on the page?

What is the best method to hide a div , which is fulfilling the role of dropdown , when the user clicks another place on the page? At first, I value cross-browser solutions and without frameworks , but any extra application con...
asked by 23.12.2013 / 21:38

How to update a DropDownList without refreshing the page

I have a Dropdown of States, and a Cities, and a ZIP field, which is making use of the online API of the mails, when I put a zip, my system checks if the city already exists in the database, and if it has not, it is added. so far so good, the pr...
asked by 19.11.2016 / 03:34

Retrieve string in the database in a dynamic form_dropdown

I'm trying to retrieve a string from a form dropdown field in a update page from my database, view below. $option = array(NULL => 'Selecione uma categoria'); foreach ($categories_list->result() as $category): $option[$category-&g...
asked by 18.06.2014 / 08:24

Menu Dropdown (VUEJS / Javascript)

I'm trying to make a dropdown menu in Vue (I do not want to use Bootstrap-vue), so I created a isActiveDrop and set it to true , and every time I click the button to open it it's set to false , so the menu appears and disappea...
asked by 30.06.2017 / 21:22

How to change the color of the DropDownList of Kendo UI according to the Status variable?

Can anyone tell me if I can change the color of the Kendo DropDownList according to a Status variable? For example: If the user is Active - > Assumes the color Green If the user is Inactive - > Assumes the color Red If you can...
asked by 19.12.2014 / 19:29

C # Windows Forms Generic Object

I have a Desktop application in C # and need to load a dropdown with an "All" option and the rest coming from a database table. To load the dropdownlist I did something like this: cmbOpcoes.Items.Add(new { Id = 0, Name = "Todos" });...
asked by 12.05.2016 / 00:13

Error passing values to @Html.DropDownList

My Controller : public ActionResult AssociarDependencia(int codigoMilestone, int codigoAtividade) { try { using (CPMDatabaseEntities db = new CPMDatabaseEntities()) { List<Ativi...
asked by 17.10.2015 / 22:06