What jQuery plugin lets you select days and events each day in a horizontal timeline?


I have events that I keep in the database and want to create a timeline that shows the events of the day in order of occurrence and allows the user to advance or rewind the day and select the events. As he selects an event, different things are shown on the screen.

I made a sample sketch, it's relatively simple, but on the internet, at least until now, I've only found timelines with other features. Maybe timeline is not the best term to describe, but I can not get a better one right now.

Follow the sketch:

When the user clicks the left arrow (<), the day decreases and the events from the day before the day (in this case, 03/20/2014) are loaded. By clicking the right arrow (>), the day advances and loads the events of the later day (in this case, 03/22/2014). When the user clicks on an event, selects it and shows things about it on the screen, in addition to the event change color in the timeline.

If there is no plugin on the internet, where can I start studying to develop this? Any suggestions?

asked by anonymous 24.03.2014 / 14:59

2 answers


I think the solution is really to use some plugin. I think a lightbox variant can solve your problem well.

In any case, if you want to implement the solution, I put together a very basic code that can serve as the basis for you.

Implemented in jsFiddle, here: link

Basically, if you click "previous" or "next", an event that moves the "menu" is triggered. When you click on one of the events, the current "box" is hidden, and another is shown corresponding to the new item.


<a class="event-arrow event-arrow-prev">

<div class="event-list-container">
<ul class="event-list">
    <li data-event-id="1" class="event-list-item event-selected">Evento 1</li>
    <li data-event-id="2" class="event-list-item">Evento 2</li>
    <li data-event-id="3" class="event-list-item">Evento 3</li>
    <li data-event-id="4" class="event-list-item">Evento 4</li>
    <li data-event-id="5" class="event-list-item">Evento 5</li>
    <li data-event-id="6" class="event-list-item">Evento 6</li>
    <li data-event-id="7" class="event-list-item">Evento 7</li>
    <li data-event-id="8" class="event-list-item">Evento 8</li>

<a class="event-arrow event-arrow-next">

<div class="event-container">
    <div class="event event-current" data-event-id="1">
        <div class="event-title">
            Evento 1
        <div class="event-description">
            Blabla bla bla

    <div class="event" data-event-id="2">
        <div class="event-title">
            Evento 2
        <div class="event-description">
            Bleble ble

    <div class="event" data-event-id="3">
        <div class="event-title">
            Evento 3
        <div class="event-description">
            Bli bli bli

    <div class="event" data-event-id="4">
        <div class="event-title">
            Evento 4
        <div class="event-description">
            Blobblo blo

    <div class="event" data-event-id="5">
        <div class="event-title">
            Evento 5
        <div class="event-description">
            Blobblo blo

    <div class="event" data-event-id="6">
        <div class="event-title">
            Evento 6
        <div class="event-description">
            Blobblo blo

    <div class="event" data-event-id="7">
        <div class="event-title">
            Evento 7
        <div class="event-description">
            Blobblo blo

    <div class="event" data-event-id="8">
        <div class="event-title">
            Evento 8
        <div class="event-description">
            Blobblo blo


.event {
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px;
    background-color: gray;
    margin: 5px;

.event-list {
    list-style: none;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    width: 800px;
    margin-left: 0;

.event-list-container {
    width: 210px;
    overflow: hidden;
    background-color: yellow;
    height: 20px;

.event-list-item {
    margin-left: 5px;
    margin-right: 5px;
    cursor: pointer;
    width: 60px;
    float: left;
    display: block;
    background-color: gray;
    text-align: center;

.event-arrow {
    color: blue;
    cursor: pointer;

.event-selected {
    text-decoration: underline;
    color: green;

.event {
    display: none; 

.event-current {
    display: block;

.event-title {
    font-size: 26px;
    font-weight: strong;
    margin-bottom: 5px;
    background-color: black;
    color: gray;

Javascript (with jQuery):

function showCurrentEvent(eventId) {
    $('.event[data-event-id=' + eventId + ']').addClass('event-current');


$(function() {
    $('.event-arrow-prev').on('click', function() {
        $('.event-list').css('margin-left', function (index, curValue) {
            var cur = parseInt(curValue, 10) + 70;

            if (cur < 0) {
                return cur + 'px';
            else {
                return '0px';

        return false;

    $('.event-arrow-next').on('click', function() {
        $('.event-list').css('margin-left', function (index, curValue) {
            var cur = parseInt(curValue, 10) - 70;

            if (cur >= -70*5) {
                return cur + 'px';
            else {
                return (-70*5) + 'px';

        return false;

    $('.event-list-item').on('click', function() {
        var currentEvent = $('.event-selected');

        var newEventId = $(this).data('event-id');

        $('.event-list-item[data-event-id=' + newEventId + ']').addClass('event-selected');


        return false;
24.03.2014 / 15:45

There are several Plugins at a glance:







Or search for jquery timeline on google to find several others

24.03.2014 / 15:32