How to create a new img tag with jQuery?


I would like to change c:\imagem.jpg according to what was selected in <option id="selecao" value="01">c:\imagem.jpg</option> . Here is the code:

<DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><scripttype="text/javascript">
          var select = document.getElementById("selecao");
          var img = $('<img />', { id: 'Myid', src: 'c:\imagem.jpg' , alt:'MyAlt'}) .appendTo($('#divPrincipal'));
    <div id="divPrincipal">
    <select name="select-native-fc" >
        <option id="selecao" value="01">c:\imagem.jpg</option>
    <button id="btnTeste">Testar</button>

This is the code for Views:

@model ProjetoDelphiMobile.Models.cliente

    ViewBag.Title = "";

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script>$(function(){$("#btnTeste").click(function () {
            var src = $('select[name="select-native-fc"]').text();
            var img = $('<img />', { id: 'Myid', src: src, alt: 'MyAlt' }).appendTo($('#divPrincipal'));
    <fieldset data-role="controlgroup">
  @*      <div >
            <img id="foto" src="@Url.Action("Thumbnail", "ConsultaCliente", new {caminhofoto = "caminho", largura = 100, altura = 100 })" alt="thumbnail" />
            <div id="divPrincipal">
               <div  name="select-native-fc" >
                    @Html.DropDownList("idFoto", String.Empty) 
              <button id="btnTeste">Testar</button>
        <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-divider-theme="e">
            <li><a href="/ConsultaCliente">Retornar para consulta</a></li>

This is the Controller code:

    public ActionResult AtualizaCliente(int id)
        ViewBag.idFoto = new SelectList(dao.fotos, "idFoto", "Foto");
        ViewBag.idInformacao = new SelectList(dao.informacoes, "idInformacao", "titulo");
        return View(dao.cliente.Find(id));
asked by anonymous 15.04.2015 / 04:56

1 answer


If you want to create a new image using the information of select you can do so using the .text() method that gives you the text of the selec:

      var src = $('[name="select-native-fc"] option:selected').text();
      var img = $('<img />', { id: 'Myid', src: src , alt:'MyAlt'}) .appendTo($('#divPrincipal'));

I suggest that instead of giving ID's to every option you give the ID to the select itself, since IDs must be unique.

15.04.2015 / 05:02