$ .post return 2 values


I have following code:


    $.post('http://localhost/app/user.php', {acao: acao}, function(retorna){ 


     if(retorna == "sucesso") {faça x}



However, in user.php it returns several echo of conditions if . So if I have in PHP, for example, echo "sucesso"; and other echo "sucesso"; it returns successes success .

I would like to know how I can get each of this return separately?

asked by anonymous 11.06.2016 / 01:52

1 answer


To retrieve each information from this return, use the json_encode function and return only one echo for your Javascript .


$resposta['status'] = 'success';
$resposta['line'] = 1;

echo json_encode($resposta);

After running this echo has a format JSON :


Returning from your javascript do:

jQuery.post ()


    $.post('http://localhost/app/user.php', {acao: acao}, 

        if (retorna.status == 'success')
           //faça alguma coisa 

        if (retorna.line == 1)
            //faça mais alguma coisa


That is, it returns a given in the JSON format for that your Javascript , work with the feedback information. You can also receive a list of information .


11.06.2016 / 02:01