I'm developing a html form validation plugin for CPF, ZIP, DATA, PHONE.
I was able to find one that adds a method to CPF in Jquery Validation, but I'm having trouble editing the code and making it work for the other fields:
Can you give me some examples of how I would do it?
UPDATE: PROBLEM SOLVED !! And was: the scripts I was using used a certain type of
"while the rest of my code was".
jQuery.validator.addMethod("cpf", function(value, element) {
value = jQuery.trim(value);
value = value.replace('.','');
value = value.replace('.','');
cpf = value.replace('-','');
while(cpf.length < 11 ) cpf = "0"+ cpf;
var expReg = /^0+$|^1+$|^2+$|^3+$|^4+$|^5+$|^6+$|^7+$|^8+$|^9+$/;
var a = [];
var b = new Number;
var c = 11;
for (i=0; i<11; i++){
a[i] = cpf.charAt(i);
if (i < 9) b += (a[i] * --c);
if ((x = b % 11) < 2) { a[9] = 0 } else { a[9] = 11-x }
b = 0;
c = 11;
for (y=0; y<10; y++) b += (a[y] * c--);
if ((x = b % 11) < 2) { a[10] = 0; } else { a[10] = 11-x; }
var retorno = true;
if ((cpf.charAt(9) != a[9]) || (cpf.charAt(10) != a[10]) || cpf.match(expReg)) retorno = false;
return this.optional(element) || retorno;
}, "Informe um CPF válido");
rules: {
cpf: {cpf: true, required: true}
messages: {
cpf: { cpf: 'CPF inválido'}
,submitHandler:function(form) {
alert('Muito bem, as informações estão corretas.');
I have tried to look at plugins in javascript, until I found some that work, but it is very strange because one inserts text under the field and another opens an alert.
And to add a mask to inputs, I also found some on the internet, but in my code they are not working.
$("#tel").mask("(999) 999-9999");
So the problem is that I need to do the formatting and mask for any form .. in case you showed it, I would need to change the html, which is not the intention. how would I pass them to parameters that you put in the html, direct in .js?