Error concatenating component value in query


Queries in my C # Winforms project are being done through StringBuilder . It was suggested here in the OS that I changed the way to generate the query from Consulta.Append("Select * from...") to @"select * from..." because it was redundant. Here's a snippet of code after the change:

string Consulta = @"select nome as Nome,  
       endereco as Endereço,
       telefone as Telefone,
       dataCadastro as [Data de Cadastro]
    From clientes
       where dataCadastro='"+ Convert.toString(dePeriodo.Text) +"'
       and status<>0";
foreach (DataRow iRow in Dados.SQLData.dsData(Consulta).Tables[0].Rows)
     //restante aqui

It turns out that by using the method you can not concatenate the parameter of the DateEdit (dePeriodo) component because the double quotes that are in ...dataCadastro='"+ dePeriodo... , which opens the concatenation, is actually closing the query . How do I concatenate the value of the component with query without causing this error?

asked by anonymous 31.10.2018 / 15:15

3 answers


Imagining that you are using a Command correct is to do this:

comando.CommandText = @"select nome as Nome,  
   endereco as Endereço,
   telefone as Telefone,
   dataCadastro as [Data de Cadastro]
From clientes
   where dataCadastro = @Periodo
   and status<>'0'";
comando.Parameters.Add("@Periodo", OleDbType.VarChar, 10).Value = dePeriodo.Text;

I can not guarantee that this is exactly because I do not have all the necessary information, but it's more or less that.

Or it could be this:

comando.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Periodo", dePeriodo.Text));

If you do not do this, you'll have SQL injection security issues, a problem that should affect about 90% of sites because most people today do not learn before doing so. Do not use the string interpolation as shown in the other answer. A more complete example in Some ASP.NET MVC Solution for SQL Injection? .

31.10.2018 / 15:27

Just take the single quotation marks from 0 (zero).

string Consulta = @"select nome as Nome,  
   endereco as Endereço,
   telefone as Telefone,
   dataCadastro as [Data de Cadastro]
From clientes
   where dataCadastro='"+ Convert.toString(dePeriodo.Text) +"'
   and status<> 0 ";

foreach (DataRow iRow in Dados.SQLData.dsData(Consulta).Tables[0].Rows)
   //restante aqui
31.10.2018 / 18:34

If you are using the Core Framework, you can do the following:

string Consulta = $@"select nome as Nome,  
           endereco as Endereço,
           telefone as Telefone,
           dataCadastro as [Data de Cadastro]
        From clientes
           where dataCadastro='{Convert.toString(dePeriodo.Text)}'
           and status<> 0 ";

        foreach (DataRow iRow in Dados.SQLData.dsData(Consulta).Tables[0].Rows)
            //restante aqui

The concatenation happens as the string.format.

The case that in order to avoid SQL Injection, one should do as Maniero himself said. It's the safest way to work.

01.11.2018 / 13:18