Daniel completing Bigown's response, Eric Lippert
in 2009 wrote a good article on his blog
, it explains the hexes of using List<T>.ForEach
instead of foreach
. You can read the full article at the following link: “foreach” vs “ForEach”
Another argument would be that the Micrsoft
architects themselves decided not to include a ForEach
method in Linq
, you can read about it at Why no ForEach method on IEnumerable interfaces
But in summary, you should not use List<T>.ForEach
, because it violates the principles of functional programming, which can cause some side effects. in addition, List<T>.ForEach
is less readable and this may imply a more difficult maintenance (try debugging an iteration within a List<T>.ForEach
Still, this is a scenario where this type of implementation might be useful, Paralelismo
... and even then there is a whole Namespace
to handle this: https://msdn.microsoft.com/ en-us / library / system.threading.tasks.parallel (v = vs.110) .aspx
var lista = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).ToList();
Parallel.ForEach(lista, (item, state, indice) => {
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("indice: {0}, value: {1}", indice, item));
But the implementation will still suffer from the same problem, you will not be able to modify the list, in this case you need to make use of Parallel.For
and access the element by index.:
var lista = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).ToList();
Parallel.For(0, lista.Count, (indice, state) => {
lista[indice] *= 2;
foreach(var item in lista) {
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("value: {0}", item));
And finally, a good reason not to use .Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray()
, you're not modifying array values. You are creating a new array with the new values, at this point you will have two arrays in memory, then you are just wasting memory, CPU cycles and forced Garbage Collector
to be called more times.