Call function out of scope in javascript


Follow the code to explain my error:

class Cliente {
showName(name) {

  .done(function(data) {

The getName method returns an error because it does not find this.ShowName , naturalemnte because it is out of scope. The question is, how do I call the showName method in this situation?

asked by anonymous 03.01.2017 / 19:23

2 answers


If you are using class , you are using ES6 , then you can use Arrow Functions , which retains the local scope from where it was declared, so this will work for you.

class Cliente {
  showName(name) {

  getName() {
    $.get(minha-url).done(data => this.showName(
03.01.2017 / 19:32

You can pass your method directly as callback and with .bind , so it runs in the scope you need:

class Cliente {
    showName(data) {

    getName() {

If you are using a Babel compiler that accepts TC39 proposals you can use Public Class Fields , like this:

class Cliente {
    showName = ({name}) => alert(name);
    getName() {

Example of the second option to work:

class Cliente {
    showName = ({name}) => alert(name);
    getName() {

// estas linhas são só para simular o que '$' faz:
let $ = function() {};
$.prototype.get = function() {return this;};
$.prototype.done = function(fn) {, {name: 'teste!'});
$ = new $();

new Cliente().getName();
03.01.2017 / 19:36