Url array - Next button



$urls = Array('www.1.com.br','www.2.com.br', 'www.3.com.br');


<iframe src="www.1.com.br" width='100%' height='100%'></iframe>


How do I always click on the next button to update only the iframe (not the entire page) in the sequence of urls that are in the php array?

I'm wondering if an array with all urls in javascript or php is better


1 - The 3 answers worked for me, but the 3 have one thing in common: when it arrives in the last url of the array, when it clicks back to the first url again, it should stop having action when clicking the Next button when finished the array urls

2 - in the 3 examples the whole page is updating when there is a change in the iframe url

            url: 'updateUrl.php',
            type: '???',
            data: ????,

How do I use ajax for only the iframe to update and what should be the updateUrl.php file?

asked by anonymous 01.11.2016 / 05:08

3 answers


With Javascript, you can change src using the attr or prop to each button click event, like this:


<iframe id="frames" src="'www.google.com" width='100%' height='100%'></iframe>


var urls = ['www.google.com.br','https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/tweet_button.html', 'www.globo.com.br'];
var frame = $("#frames");
var index = 0;

    if (index < urls.length)
    $("#frames").attr("src", urls[index]);

JsFiddle: link

event.preventDefault () is a function to prevent default behavior of a given component, so if you the user no submit, the default behavior of refreshing the page will not happen.

01.11.2016 / 12:24

Capture the elements through the ID, and create an action on the button, checking which next index is to be clicked, each click, adds a position, if it is equal to the url total, it resets to index 0 ( beginning):

<button id="next">Proximo</button>

<iframe id="rotator" src="http://www.1.com.br"width='100%'height='100%'></iframe><script>window.onload=function(){/*ParacapturaroelementoporgetElementById,independentedaposiçãodoscript,énecessárioqueodocumentowindowtenhasidolido*/varurls=['http://www.1.com.br','http://www.2.com.br','http://www.3.com.br'];varindex=1;varclick_button=document.getElementById('next');varel=document.getElementById('rotator');click_button.onclick=function(){if(index===urls.length){index=0;}el.src=urls[index];index+=1;}};</script>


<?php$urls=array('http://www.1.com.br','http://www.2.com.br','http://www.3.com.br');?><script>window.onload=function(){/*ParacapturaroelementoporgetElementById,independentedaposiçãodoscript,énecessárioqueodocumentowindowtenhasidolido*/varurls=<?phpecho'["'.implode('","', $urls).'"];'; ?>

        var index = 1;
        var click_button = document.getElementById('next');
        var el = document.getElementById('rotator');

        click_button.onclick = function() {
            if ( index === urls.length ) {
                index = 0;
            el.src = urls[index];
            index += 1;

Resolution for new cases:

Case 1:

    window.onload = function() {
    /* Para capturar o elemento por
       getElementById, independente da posição do script,
       é necessário que o documento window tenha sido lido */ 
        var urls = [

        var index = 1;
        var click_button = document.getElementById('next');
        var el = document.getElementById('rotator');

        click_button.onclick = function() {
            if ( index === urls.length -1 ) {
               this.disabled = true;
            el.src = urls[index];
            index += 1;

Case 2:

It was not exactly clear what the problem was. Because it loads each iframe on the same page, if it's updating, it's not about the code I've posted, but the rest of the code that exists in your application, I think.

01.11.2016 / 12:46

You can do this:


<iframe id="displayURL" src="www.1.com.br" width='100%' height='100%'></iframe>

<button id="changeURL">Próximo</button>


var urls = "<?php echo implode('|', $urls) ?>".split('|');

$('#changeURL').click(function() {
    var i = urls.indexOf($('#displayURL').prop('src'));
    i = (i < 0) ? 0 : i+1;
    if(i <= urls.length-1) {
        $('#displayURL').prop('src', urls[i]);

It transforms the PHP array into a string separating the elements by pipe, then javascript transforms this string into array again, with that array I make the exchange logic in the code below, according to the src value of the iframe I get find the index in the array and make it go to the next item, unless it is the last or does not exist, in that case I select the first item in the array.

NOTE: I am separating the URL by pipe, but you can switch to any character you do not have in your links.

01.11.2016 / 12:08