Error rendering with jQuery Ajax


Quick information on how this code should work: Ajax takes an html, compiles with Handlebars, the same ajax takes a json from an api, packages everything and renders an index with an append.

  • var orderTemplate takes a template from index.hbs
  • var temp compiles the orderTemplate to be rendered in index.hbs
  • function addOrder (order) makes a append template within index.hbs
In theory, the Ajax request should take the function addOrder (order) and insert it in the index.hbs along with the json Ajax url (url: '/ api') also catches. But on the screen only the Append of the template appears, without the content inside.

Below the code inside main.js:

var orderTemplate = $('#template-html').html();

var temp = Handlebars.compile(orderTemplate); 

function addOrder(order) {

    type: 'GET',
    url: '/api',
    success: function(orders){
        $.each(orders, function(i, order){
    error: function(){
        alert('Erro ao listar :(');

Below is the template, that the var orderTemplate = $ ('# template-html'). html (); paste via id. I use Handlebars to render.

<script  type="text/x-handlebars-template" id="template-html">
   <div id='conteudo' class='row' data-id='{{_id}}'>
   <h4><span class="noedit nome">{{nome}}</span></h4>
   <p><span class="noedit nome">{{bebida}}</span></p>

Below the Append photo. Note: Ajax can get the content searched by the api and play in index.hbs, but can not print on the screen.

  • Belowisapictureofhowthefinalresultshouldbe!

Thank you very much for who you read and tried to help. I've done my best to enter as much detail as possible.

asked by anonymous 19.05.2018 / 05:33

1 answer


It was supposed to be working. Is there no error in the console? Is the addOrder function really being called? If you inspect the #orders element you have nothing? It seems like crossbow questions, but sometimes a detail goes unnoticed.

I made a simple example and it worked, right below:

<script src=""integrity="sha384-q8i/X+965DzO0rT7abK41JStQIAqVgRVzpbzo5smXKp4YfRvH+8abtTE1Pi6jizo" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src=""></script><style>#conteudo{max-width:250px;padding:20px;border:1pxsolid;margin:30px;}</style><!--DIVPROAPPEND--><divid="order"></div>

<script  type="text/x-handlebars-template" id="template-html">
   <div id='conteudo' class='row' data-id='{{_id}}'>
   <h4><span class="noedit nome">{{nome}}</span></h4>
   <p><span class="noedit nome">{{bebida}}</span></p>


  var json = [{
      nome: 'Nome 1',
      bebida: 'Bebida 1',
      _id: '1'
      nome: 'Nome 2',
      bebida: 'Bebida 2',
      _id: '2'

  var orderTemplate = $('#template-html').html();

  var temp = Handlebars.compile(orderTemplate);

  var $orders = jQuery('#order');

  function addOrder(order) {

  $.each(json, function(i, order) {

03.06.2018 / 06:58