I have this method where I would like to bring IBGE. When I put the TextBox as a parameter, it usually comes up, but the problem is that I am using a Library and can not import the TextBox. So I replace the TextBox with a string, but that way it can not bring ... Can someone help me?
public bool recuperarIBGE(string Cidade, string IBGE)
conexao = new Conexao();
NpgsqlCommand sql = new NpgsqlCommand("SELECT codibge FROM cidade WHERE nome ilike SEM_ACENTO('" + Cidade + "');", conexao.conexao);
NpgsqlDataReader dr = sql.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
//IBGE.Text = (string)dr["codibge"].ToString();
IBGE = (string)dr["codibge"].ToString();
retorno = true;
catch (Exception erro)
throw erro;
return retorno;