I like encapsulation because it greatly reduces the source code, I have done the following regarding ajax:
custom.ajax=function(obj,funcao,view){ // FUNÇÃO AJAX
var data = {'obj':obj,'funcao':funcao}; // SETA OS PARAMETROS
var retorno; // VAR DE RETORNO
$.ajax({type:"POST", url:view, dataType:"json", data:data,async:false, // FAZ UM AJAX SINCRONIZADO COM A FUNCAO
success: function(json) { retorno = json; }, // RETORNO DO AJAX NO SUCCESS
error: function(json) { retorno=json; }, // RETORNO DO AJAX NO ERROR
beforeSend: function() { $('body').css('cursor','wait'); }, // RETORNO DO AJAX NO ERROR
complete: function(){ $('body').css('cursor','default'); }
}); // FIM DO AJAX
return retorno; // RETORNO DA FUNÇÃO
With this code every time I want to do an ajax I use only 1 line of code passing my params like this:
var r = custom.ajax(new Object(),'getConhecimentos','../view/cobranca/vRelacaoCobranca.php');
preencherTela(r); // para preencher o HTML.
The problem with this technique is that my page is waiting for ajax to complete, ie the asynchronous part in case parameter async: true would be the solution, the problem is that I would have to write the ajax every time, would not it have a way to encapsulate? because the rest of the programming would be inside the success parameter like this:
var funcao = 'getConhecimentos';
var obj = new Object();
var data = {'obj':obj,'funcao':funcao}; // SETA OS PARAMETROS
var view = '../view/cobranca/vRelacaoCobranca.php';
$.ajax({type:"POST", url:view, dataType:"json", data:data,async:true, // FAZ UM AJAX SINCRONIZADO COM A FUNCAO
success: function(json) { relCob.tableStyle(json,'jqxGrid-conhec'); }, // RETORNO DO AJAX NO SUCCESS
error: function(json) { console.log(json) }, // RETORNO DO AJAX NO ERROR
beforeSend: function() { $('body').css('cursor','wait'); }, // RETORNO DO AJAX NO ERROR
complete: function(){ $('body').css('cursor','default'); }
My question is: would you have any way to encapsulate ajax and keep it asynchronously? ( async: true )