Form validation in HTML5


I'm doing a validation form using HTML5 and its own tags to validate the fields. I'm using the PATTERN , which limits the character type. But it does not work ... Fields are not being blocked. "Code", only numbers and "Name", only letters.


<!DOCTYPE html>

Codigo: <input type="text" required="required" name="number" pattern="[0-9]"></input>

Nome: <input type="text" required="required" name="text" pattern="[a-z]"></input> 

How to solve this?

asked by anonymous 06.03.2015 / 18:12

2 answers


Validation does not block fields, it just marks their status as invalid. If you change the invalid field style, this will be visible:

input:invalid {
    background: red;
    color: #fff;
Codigo: <input type="text" required="required" name="number" pattern="[0-9]">
Nome: <input type="text" required="required" name="text" pattern="[a-z]">

Notice that the rules you've placed are for 1 number in the first field, and 1 letter (lowercase) in the second. If you want to validate multiple numbers and letters you would need to change regular expressions to [0-9]+ and [a-z]+ .

06.03.2015 / 18:29

This plugin in javascript limits what is typed and can still put masks if need, I always use for phones, cpf, cep ...



06.03.2015 / 22:20