Consume API (JSON) in form fields, how to do it? [closed]


Hello, fellow programmers.

I would like some help. I have to use in a project the API that includes the Fipe Table data in JSON format ( link ).

I want my form to have four fields, which are: Brand, Model, Year, and Value.

When I select the Car Brand (Motorcycle or Truck), the Model field will show items related to that brand. When you select the car model, the third field with the year will open. Finally, when I select the year, the last field should display the value of this vehicle.

I have not been able to do anything yet, despite attempts. I will not even expose my code because I need help from scratch. This is important as I need to implement this function in a vehicle classified project.

If anyone can help me, I'll be grateful.

asked by anonymous 25.11.2015 / 11:28

2 answers


You can do something like this to consume the API, using jQuery, part of the dynamics of the combos is with you, as this requires time and dedication to development, I believe this is your job. But luckily, you can find some functional examples already chewed over the Internet. Look for terms of "how popularly combobox dynamically". This site has an example of this type of operation, analyze the source code that it has the implementation for you:


<form method="post" action="/enviar" name="formul">
    <div id="form"></div>


$.getJSON('', function(data) {

    var select = '<select name="modelos">\
    for (var i in data) {

         select += '<option value="'+data[i].codigo +'">'+ data[i].nome + '</option>';

    select += '</select>';


See working here

25.11.2015 / 12:42

Here's an option using just JavaScript (no jQuery dependency).

var form = {};
form.fipe = document.getElementById("fipe");
form.marcas = document.getElementById("marcas");
form.modelos = document.getElementById("modelos");
form.anos = document.getElementById("anos");
form.fieldset = document.getElementById("veiculo");

form.veiculo = {};
form.veiculo.valor = document.getElementById("veiculo_valor");
form.veiculo.marca = document.getElementById("veiculo_marca");
form.veiculo.modelo = document.getElementById("veiculo_modelo");
form.veiculo.anomodelo = document.getElementById("veiculo_anomodelo");
form.veiculo.combustivel = document.getElementById("veiculo_combustivel");
form.veiculo.codigofipe = document.getElementById("veiculo_codigofipe");
form.veiculo.mesreferencia = document.getElementById("veiculo_mesreferencia");
form.veiculo.tipoveiculo = document.getElementById("veiculo_tipoveiculo");
form.veiculo.siglacombustivel = document.getElementById("veiculo_siglacombustivel");

var getJSON = function (url, sucesso, erro) {
  var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true);
  httpRequest.responseType = "json";
  httpRequest.addEventListener("readystatechange", function (event) {
    if (httpRequest.readyState == 4) {
      if (httpRequest.status == 200) {
        if (sucesso) sucesso(httpRequest.response);
      } else {
        if (erro) erro(httpRequest.status, httpRequest.statusText);


var getMarcas = function () {
  var url = '';
  getJSON('', function (marcas) {

    form.marcas.innerHTML = "";
    form.marcas.disabled = null;

    var selectOption = document.createElement("option");
    selectOption.textContent = "Selecione...";
    selectOption.value = "";

    marcas.forEach(function (marca, indce) {
      var optionMarca = document.createElement("option");
      optionMarca.textContent = marca.nome;
      optionMarca.value = marca.codigo;

  }, function (errorCode, errorText) {


var getModelos = function () {
  var url = '' + form.marcas.value + '/modelos';
  var selectOption = form.modelos.querySelector("option");
  selectOption.textContent = "Carregando Marcas";

  getJSON(url, function (modelos) {

    form.modelos.innerHTML = "";
    form.modelos.disabled = null;

    var optionModelo = document.createElement("option");
    optionModelo.textContent = "Selecione...";
    optionModelo.value = "";

    var optionAno = document.createElement("option");
    optionAno.textContent = "Selecione um Modelo";
    optionAno.value = "";

    modelos.modelos.forEach(function (modelo, indce) {
      var optionModelo = document.createElement("option");
      optionModelo.textContent = modelo.nome;
      optionModelo.value = modelo.codigo;

  }, function (errorCode, errorText) {


var getAnos = function () {
  var url = '' + form.marcas.value + '/modelos/' + form.modelos.value + '/anos';
  var selectOption = form.anos.querySelector("option");
  selectOption.textContent = "Carregando Anos";

  getJSON(url, function (anos) {

    form.anos.innerHTML = "";
    form.anos.disabled = null;

    var optionAno = document.createElement("option");
    optionAno.textContent = "Selecione...";
    optionAno.value = "";

    anos.forEach(function (ano, indce) {
      var optionAno = document.createElement("option");
      optionAno.textContent = ano.nome;
      optionAno.value = ano.codigo;

  }, function (errorCode, errorText) {


var getVeiculo = function () {
  var url = '' + form.marcas.value + '/modelos/' + form.modelos.value + '/anos/' + form.anos.value;  

  getJSON(url, function (veiculo) {
    form.fieldset.disabled = "";
    form.veiculo.valor.value = veiculo.Valor;
    form.veiculo.marca.value = veiculo.Marca;
    form.veiculo.modelo.value = veiculo.Modelo;
    form.veiculo.anomodelo.value = veiculo.AnoModelo;
    form.veiculo.combustivel.value = veiculo.Combustivel;
    form.veiculo.codigofipe.value = veiculo.CodigoFipe;
    form.veiculo.mesreferencia.value = veiculo.MesReferencia;
    form.veiculo.tipoveiculo.value = veiculo.TipoVeiculo;
    form.veiculo.siglacombustivel.value = veiculo.SiglaCombustivel;
  }, function (errorCode, errorText) {


form.marcas.addEventListener("change", function (event) {    
  form.modelos.disabled = "disabled";
  form.anos.disabled = "disabled";
  form.fieldset.disabled = "disabled";

  form.anos.innerHTML = "";
  var optionAno = document.createElement("option");
  optionAno.textContent = "Selecione um Modelo";
  optionAno.value = "";

  if (form.marcas.value) {
  } else {
    form.modelos.innerHTML = "";
    var selectOption = document.createElement("option");
    selectOption.textContent = "Selecione uma Marca";
    selectOption.value = "";

form.modelos.addEventListener("change", function (event) {    
  form.anos.disabled = "disabled";
  form.fieldset.disabled = "disabled";

  if (form.modelos.value) {
  } else {
    form.anos.innerHTML = "";
    var optionAno = document.createElement("option");
    optionAno.textContent = "Selecione um Modelo";
    optionAno.value = "";

form.anos.addEventListener("change", function (event) {
  form.fieldset.disabled = "disabled";

  if (form.anos.value) {
    form.fieldset.disabled = "disabled";

  } else {


fieldset {
  width: 280px;  

fieldset div { 
  clear: both;
fieldset div label {
  float: right;
<form id="fipe" method="post" action="enviar" >
    <select id="marcas" name="marcas" disabled="disabled">
      <option>Carregando Marcas</option>
    <select id="modelos" name="modelos" disabled="disabled">
      <option>Selecione uma Marca</option>
    <select id="anos" name="anos" disabled="disabled">
      <option>Selecione um Modelo</option>
  <fieldset id="veiculo" disabled="disabled">
        <input id="veiculo_valor" name="veiculo.valor" type="text" readonly>
        <input id="veiculo_marca" name="veiculo.marca" type="text" readonly>
        <input id="veiculo_modelo" name="veiculo.modelo" type="text" readonly>
        Ano Modelo:
        <input id="veiculo_anomodelo" name="veiculo.anomodelo" type="text" readonly>
        <input id="veiculo_combustivel" name="veiculo.combustivel" type="text" readonly>
        Codigo Fipe:
        <input id="veiculo_codigofipe" name="veiculo.codigofipe" type="text" readonly>
        Mes Referencia:
        <input id="veiculo_mesreferencia" name="veiculo.mesreferencia" type="text" readonly>
        Tipo Veiculo:
        <input id="veiculo_tipoveiculo" name="veiculo.tipoveiculo" type="text" readonly>
        Sigla Combustivel:
        <input id="veiculo_siglacombustivel" name="veiculo.siglacombustivel" type="text" readonly>
25.11.2015 / 13:26