How to retrieve values contained in a span with jQuery?


How do I get the values that are within a span ? For example:

    $total_prod = $this->totalRegistros($sql_prod);

             <a href='#' class='click'>
                <span id='valorSpan'> $preco </span>

          pegarPreco = parseFloat(valoSpam);
asked by anonymous 15.10.2014 / 19:30

2 answers


Actually with the code you have it will have to be:

var spans = $('.click > span'); // ou somente $('.click span');

This is because you can not have duplicate IDs. That is: using $('#valorSpan'); will return only the first found.

If you change the HTML / PHP to use classes:

for ($j=0; $j < $total_prod; $j++){
   echo "
         <a href='#' class='click'>
            <span class='valorSpan'> $preco </span>

then you can do:

var spans = $('.valorSpan');
In the question it talks about how to retrieve values from a span and the code that it uses in the event handler points to the ancora $('#click') looking for ID

Prém: Note that the CSS selector for ID is # and class is . .

I'm not sure why it uses an anchor <a> there, I would do without anchor, only with span . But keeping your HTML structure, changing only to 'class =' valueSpan 'here is a working code: link

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('.click span').click(function (e) {
        pegarPreco = parseFloat(this.innerHTML);

If, as indicated in the comment, you have more code inside the anchor and you need to get the value of the span, you can use this:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('.click').click(function(e) {
        pegarPreco = parseFloat($(this).find('span').html());
15.10.2014 / 19:34

In your JavaScript code, you have:

$('#click').click(function(){ ... }

that will attach an event to elements with the ID click . However, in your HTML markup present in the question you have no element with the ID click .

You can solve the problem in two ways:

  • Click event for each element

    Attach click event to every <a/> that will get the value inside the span contained in this <a/> making use of the method .click () :


    // ...
    echo '
        <a href="#" class="click">
            <span class="valorSpan">'.$preco.'</span>
    // ...


        $('.click').click(function(e) {
            var pegarPreco = parseFloat($(this).find('.valorSpan').html());
  • Click Delegation

    If you wrap all markup in a <div/> , you can attach a single event to that <div/> with delegation to <a/> contained in it by using the . on () :


    echo '<div id="minhaWrapper">';
    // ...
    echo '
        <a href="#" class="click">
            <span class="valorSpan">'.$preco.'</span>
    // ...
    echo '</div>';


        $('#minhaWrapper').on("click", 'a', function(e) {
            var pegarPreco = parseFloat($(this).find('.valorSpan').html());
  • Both solutions deal with your problem.

    The second approach is preferable and valid if you are with jQuery V1.7 or higher, as it results in a single event delegated to multiple elements on the page.

    15.10.2014 / 20:17