How to count characters from a reference in Java?


Example I have some character 123456789.123456789 .

How to count to . after . count again remembering that the point should not be counted.

asked by anonymous 11.03.2015 / 14:39

3 answers


Another alternative using indexOf() :

String str = "123456789.123456789";
// Como o índice da string começa em 0, indexOf retornará exatamente o tamanho da primeira parte.
int t1 = str.indexOf('.');
int t2 = str.length() - t1 - 1; // - 1 para subtrair o "ponto" do total de caracteres da string

See working at Ideone

11.03.2015 / 14:56
String str = "123456789.123456789";
//divide a string usando o ponto como divisor
String[] partes= str.split(".");
//antes do ponto
int n1 = partes[0].length();
//depois do ponto
int n1 = partes[1].length();
11.03.2015 / 14:47

Another alternative that can be used is the class StringTokenizer of the java.util package.

public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception{
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer("12.345.6789", ".");
    List<String> numeros = new ArrayList<String>();
    // Vai retornar o tamanho da 1ª sequência antes do ponto

Functional example in Ideone .

In terms of performance, StringTokenizer is faster than String#split() ", however, StringTokenizer is slow when compared to String#indexOf() .

The link below shows the performance comparison of each of the alternatives mentioned here, among others.

11.03.2015 / 16:02