Selecting the src of an input using ID in JQuery




I would like to know what is wrong with this selection in if, in case, I want, if a value is set in the src attribute, it executes if, otherwise else.

* That's why I put the '! '

asked by anonymous 22.12.2016 / 17:58

3 answers


If I understand correctly, what you are looking for is whether or not a given element with the id #src-img has an attribute src assigned. For this you can use different selectors.

Example to clarify:

['#src-imgA', '#src-imgB', '#src-imgC'].forEach(function(id) {
    console.log(!!$(id + "[src]").length);
<script src=""></script><imgid="src-imgA" />
<img id="src-imgB" src="" />
<img id="src-imgC" src="/o/meu/url" />

The commented result:

false     // o elemento existe, mas o atributo "src" está vazio/não existe
false     // o elemento existe mas como não tem atributo "src" o seletor falha
false     // o elemento existe mas o atributo "src" está vazio
true      // o elemento existe e tem um atributo "src" (ele não verifica se está vazio)
22.12.2016 / 19:01

You could use .attr like this:

if($('#img').attr('src') != ""){


In this way it will check if the src attribute of its image element is not empty and if not, if it is true, otherwise it can put an else.

22.12.2016 / 18:09

When jQuery does not find any element, it comes with an empty% object. This is not considered logically false by javascript, so the code you posted is equivalent to:

if (true) {

What you can do is take a look at the arraylike property of the jQuery return. If you did not get any element, length would be zero. Then you can compare ...

if ($("blablabla").length !== 0) {

Or use direct length, since zero is considered logically false.

if ($("blablabla").length) {
22.12.2016 / 18:02