$.extend($.jgrid.ajaxOptions, { async: true });
$.extend($.jgrid.defaults, {
mtype: "POST",
altRows: true,
datatype: "json",
loadonce: true,
height: "auto",
width: 1100,
rowNum: 10,
rowList: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50],
viewrecords: true,
pager: "#paginacao",
sortorder: "asc",
shrinkToFit: false,
headertitles: true,
loadui: "disable",
rownumbers: true,
emptyrecords: "<strong>Não houve resultado para o seu filtro.<strong>",
autoencode: true,
caption: "Resultados encontrados",
deselectAfterSort: true,
gridview: true,
idPrefix: "id",
rowTotal: 4000,
sortable: true,
toppager: true,
loadError: function(xhr, status, error) {
message: '<p style=\"font-weight: bolder; color: white;\">Erro ao tentar gerar relatório, por favor, tente novamente.<br /><br /><a onclick=\"$.unblockUI();\">Fechar</a></p>',
timeout: 5000,
onOverlayClick: $.unblockUI
jsonReader: {
root: "rows",
page: "page",
total: "total",
records: "records",
repeatitems: true,
id: 0,
cell: ""
But doing so the plugin does not work at all. But when I play the call to blockUI inside a window.setTimeout as below it works perfectly:
loadError: function(xhr, status, error) {
window.setTimeout("$.blockUI({ message: '<p style=\"font-weight: bolder; color: white;\">Erro ao tentar gerar relatório, por favor, tente novamente.<br /><br /><a onclick=\"$.unblockUI();\">Fechar</a></p>', timeout: 5000, onOverlayClick: $.unblockUI});", 10);
Does anyone know how to make the call to blockUI run without having to use it inside a window.setTimeout
In time, all native JavaScript functions like parseInt
, parseFloat
, alert
, console.log
work, which leads me to believe that the problem is how blockUI
handles Ajax, problem that uses it asynchronously as it requires and does not even work without window.setTimeout
EDIT: According to the utluiz response, there may be some conflict with my default settings of how I handle AJAX requests, follows the configuration:
type: "POST",
dataType : "json",
cache : false,
error : function(xhr, statusRequestAjax, error) { $("#msgErros").html(error); },
beforeSend: function() { $.blockUI(); },
complete : function() { $.unblockUI(); }