Where will this date come from? Will it be a form where the user enters the date? If it is, in this case you do not even need to use jQuery, just insert a field of type date
into the form, as shown below:
<form action="pagina.php" method="POST">
<input type="date" name="data" id="data">
Note: Although in the field the date appears in DD / MM / YYYY format, when you receive the value entered in the field it will come in YYYY-MM-DD format.
From there, it is enough to separate the values of the date with the function of explode
of PHP:
$data = $_POST['data'];
$partes = explode("-", $data);
// ANO Mês DIA
// $partes[0] $partes[1] $partes[2]
$day = $partes[2];
$month = $partes[1];
$year = $partes[0];
How do you get that date? If it comes from the database, after storing it in a variable, you can pass it to the script and then break the date as you need it:
var data = "<?php echo $data; ?>";
var array = data.split("-");
var day = array[2];
var month = array[1];
var year = array[0];