Auto complete does not work, conflict in jquery


Personal speech;

I am facing a problem that is basically one of the problems that will not let me upload my new website.

Next ...

I have an autocomplete script that when I start typing in the input field it starts to show me the results as per the search. This script works if I implement it on a page with jquery 1.4.2 and jquery.autocomplete.js

But when I enter it on my site with jquery 2.2.4, it just does not work, could anyone help me by giving me a hint how to solve it?

I'll also leave the links to DEMO

link - This is the system working.

link - Click on register and try searching for a name in the "Full name or who's ID" field. It does nothing, I'm using the same system.

System Codes

JS script.

            $ (). ready (function () {                 $ ("# course"). autocomplete ("readuser.php", {                     width: 485,                     matchContains: true,                     selectFirst: false                 });             });         


asked by anonymous 26.12.2018 / 20:44

0 answers