what link should I use in my event page article? to open and load individually?


Hello everyone, with a question that makes me sleepy.


In my page index.html I have a < section > called EVENTS , and I also have a page called events.html


In events.html I have some < article > each "article" linked to page events.html >

The problem is that all of my articles all appear together on the events.html page I type in Article 1 and all others appear below one another!
I was wondering if you have any way to make each article load by clicking it *

that is when clicking on my article it loads and opens on the same page? which case and the EVENTS page ?

<sectionid="eventos-index" class="pg-eventos" />
<!--sesao de eventos index -->

<h1>EVENTOS </h1>

<a href="eventos.html#evento-jigante" title="jigante em mutuipe ba">

  <article class="fotos"><img src="_imagens/eventos/jigante.jpg" width="100%" height="100%">
      <h2>Gigante 18/01/2018 mutuipe BA</h2>

<a href="eventos.html#santinha" title="baille da santinha saj">
  <article class="fotos"><img src="_imagens/eventos/santinha.jpeg" width="100%" height="100%">
      <h2> Baille da santinha 18/01/2018<br>SAJ BA</h2>

<section class="eventos" alt="eventos do vale">


  <a href="#evento-gigante">
    <article class="eventos" id="evento-gigante">
      <img src="_imagens/eventos/jigante.jpg">
      <p class="desc-eventos">
        gigante<br> bloco nana com leo santana
        <br>Local campo Grande Salvador <br> Data 18/01/18.<br> Hora. 21:00hs <br> Valor. Individual. 190.00 reais <br> Casadinha. <br> 340.00 reais <br> 5 x no cartão. <br> Shopping Mega China.</p>
asked by anonymous 14.03.2018 / 15:23

1 answer


What I understand is that you want the document events.html to load a different article, according to the link you clicked on the index.html page.

However, if this is the goal, you can not achieve it only with HTML and CSS.

In this way, you will have to study other technologies that allow you to dynamize the content. So an example would be to learn database and PHP, to connect your site to CMS Wordpress.

Useful links:

14.03.2018 / 23:28