Hello What I need is the following: I have a form and in it I mount inputs whose values are the data of a table that I walk in a loop, I assign an id for each of these imputs with the field name and the number of an autoimcrement field in that table, hence I want I want to get the values of these input via jquery taking these values by the id of each input and for this I wanted to pass the id of each record and in jquery mount the name of the input id dynamically in a variable, something like:
function salvaCamposForm(idDaTabela){
var idInput1 = '#nomedoimput1'+idDaTabela;
var idInput2 = '#nomedoimput2'+idDaTabela;
// dai, passar isso para atribuir o valor para a variavel que
// que vai ser passada para o post
fPostInput1 = $(idInput1).val();
fPostInput2 = $(idInput2).val();
// ...
Can this be done in JQuery?
Thank you!
Light and Peace !!!