How do I put an image in place of "Read More"

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
<div style='float:right;padding-right:10px;margin-top:10px;'>
<a class='morer' expr:href='data:post.url'>Ler Mais</a>

I paid $ 7 in this template, and it came with a manual all in English! the only customization I found for that button was! {
.entry-content a, .comment-content a, .page-content a {
    border-bottom: 4px solid;
    color: #41598b;

And one to change the font !!

asked by anonymous 19.11.2018 / 12:20

1 answer


Dude, so I understand you want to put an image in place of "Read more", right?

Find the class "morer" and add the following:

text-indent: -999999; background-image: url(link da imagem); width: (valor)px; height: (valor)px; 

I think that's it, if it is not, I'm sorry.

19.11.2018 / 12:40