How to save date and time in a variable when clicking button


I need to save a date and time into a variable when I click on a button that starts a task and then sends it to DB, for example:

<div class="form-group">
  <label class="col-md-4 control-label" for="IniciarTarefa" id="acao"></label>
  <div class="col-md-4">
    <button id="IniciarTarefa" name="IniciarTarefa" class="btn btn-info">Iniciar Tarefa</button>

I tried to use this script but it was very confusing because I do not have a field in the form and even creating a hidden capo did not work.

Code Example saving value

asked by anonymous 01.04.2015 / 22:38

2 answers


The script you refer saves information in a data- field within a DOM element. This can easily be adapted to your code and when you need this value in a variable you can simply search with .data('nomeDoCampo') .

An example using your HTML, and using div.form-group to save the information would be:

$('#IniciarTarefa').on('click', function () {
    $(this).closest('.form-group').data('inicio', new Date().getTime());

$('#mostrar').on('click', function () {
    // esta variável time tem um timestamp que podes enviar para a BD
    var time = $('.form-group').data('inicio'); 
    alert(new Date(time));

jsFiddle: link

01.04.2015 / 22:52

I would like to give a complementary information to @Sergio's answer, so there goes another "comment comment".

Let's suppose that in your HTML it has an element with a data custom attribute (data-*) similar to the following:

<div id="helloWorld" data-nome="Hello World!"></div>

In jQuery you can access the value of this property in two ways:

var helloWorld = $("#helloWorld");
var usingAttr = helloWorld.attr("data-nome");
var usingData ="nome");
console.log(usingAttr); //saida: "Hello World!"
console.log(usingData); //saida: "Hello World!"
<div id="helloWorld" data-nome="Hello World!" ></div>

But if you make a set using .data("nome", value) , it will update the value only on the data object, however it will not update the date attribute value, as in the example below:

var helloWorld = $("#helloWorld");"nome", "Hello Mars?");
var usingAttr = helloWorld.attr("data-nome");
var usingData ="nome");
console.log(usingAttr); //saida: "Hello World!"
console.log(usingData); //saida: "Hello Mars?"
<div id="helloWorld" data-nome="Hello World!" ></div>

But if you make a set using .attr("data-nome", value) , then the value of the object and date attribute will be updated:

var helloWorld = $("#helloWorld");
helloWorld.attr("data-nome", "Hello Mars?");
var usingAttr = helloWorld.attr("data-nome");
var usingData ="nome");
console.log(usingAttr); //saida: "Hello Mars?"
console.log(usingData); //saida: "Hello Mars?"
<div id="helloWorld" data-nome="Hello World!" ></div>

Finally, if you wanted to access a data custom attribute (data-*) that has a compound name using the .data() method, you will have to remove the hyphens and change the name to pascalCase, but using .attr() nothing changes:

var helloWorld = $("#helloWorld");
var usingAttr = helloWorld.attr("data-nome-completo");
var usingData ="nomeCompleto"); //Pascal Case
console.log(usingAttr); //saida: "Hello World!"
console.log(usingData); //saida: "Hello World!"
<div id="helloWorld" data-nome-completo="Hello World!" ></div>

This is because the .data() method was created before specifying the data custom attribute (data-*) and can be used to store any type of object (string, integer, float, Date, JSON, etc.), whereas an attribute can store only text (string).

02.04.2015 / 14:21