Adding inputs to a report with more than one table!


I am generating a report and it has several tables. In jQuery I have to add 2 inputs of each table, the problem is that it only adds the one of the first table. I tried to use next() , but it did not work.

Follow the HTML code:

<td id=\"tabela\">
<input type=\"text\" id=\"tabelainput\" class=\"janmembros\" maxlength=\"3\" name=\"janmembros\" value=\"$row[janmembros]\" disabled>
<td id=\"tabela\">
<input type=\"text\" id=\"tabelainput\" class=\"janvisitantes\" maxlength=\"3\" name=\"janvisitantes\" value=\"$row[janvisitantes]\" disabled>
<td id=\"tabela3\" class=\"jantotal\">

<td id=\"tabela\">
<input type=\"text\" id=\"tabelainput\" class=\"janmembros\" maxlength=\"3\" name=\"janmembros\" value=\"$row[janmembros]\" disabled>
<td id=\"tabela\">
<input type=\"text\" id=\"tabelainput\" class=\"janvisitantes\" maxlength=\"3\" name=\"janvisitantes\" value=\"$row[janvisitantes]\" disabled>
<td id=\"tabela3\" class=\"jantotal\">

<td id=\"tabela\">
<input type=\"text\" id=\"tabelainput\" class=\"janmembros\" maxlength=\"3\" name=\"janmembros\" value=\"$row[janmembros]\" disabled>
<td id=\"tabela\">
<input type=\"text\" id=\"tabelainput\" class=\"janvisitantes\" maxlength=\"3\" name=\"janvisitantes\" value=\"$row[janvisitantes]\" disabled>
<td id=\"tabela3\" class=\"jantotal\">


if ( $( ".janmembros" ).val().length >= 1 && $( ".janvisitantes" ).val().length >= 1 )
$( ".jantotal" ).html( parseInt($( ".janmembros" ).val()) + parseInt($( ".janvisitantes" ).val()) );


asked by anonymous 03.07.2014 / 21:47

1 answer


Because you contain multiple elements to be localized to perform the operation of summing values and displaying the result, you can use the iteration function .each () of jQuery that will allow you for each group of localized elements to perform a certain operation on them:

Example to Work in JSFiddle

// se estão presentes e não estão vazios
if ( $( ".janmembros" ).val() != '' && $( ".janvisitantes" ).val() != '' )

    // por cada tabela encontrada
    $('table').each(function() {

        /* coloca em cache o objecto referente à tabela
         * e trabalha com os elementos dentro da mesma
        var $this = $(this),                                             // cache da <table>
            janmembros = parseInt($this.find( ".janmembros" ).val()),
            janvisitantes = parseInt($this.find( ".janvisitantes" ).val());

        // soma e enviar para o destino
        $this.find( ".jantotal" ).html( janmembros+janvisitantes ); 
03.07.2014 / 22:20