Issues with CSS + CSS Positioning


I'm having a lot of problems in positioning elements in html + css, I'm making a website, and I made a button with animation there, there I was trying to put a navigation bar, then I put before the button code with animation, and also put after, the navigation bar that I'm trying to put always stays side by side with the button, will it? I wanted to cool this navigation bar on top of the site, someone knows some program I can do the positioning of anything like image, button and leave any position I want, or some way to solve the problem

asked by anonymous 14.03.2018 / 02:49

1 answer


Hello, Wilson

You do not really have a program that creates this, you just have to figure out the structure of that menu.

I'll give you a generic example, when you create a menu, its structure is based on lists and would look like this:

li {
 padding: 15px 10px;
 background-color: #ccc;
 margin-right: 0.5em;
  <li> item 1 </li>
  <li> item 2 </li>
  <li> item 3 </li>
  <li> item 4 </li>

Click run! Based on this structure you would place your button inside a li, neither above nor below. The rest you edit in CSS, if a button is different you create a class.

I do not know if this has already helped you, I'll wait for the return of your print as well.

23.03.2018 / 13:35