What could cause the stop in a FOR? (javascript)


I'm having a problem with a script, the same for a FOR, and it does not run the rest of the i.

In case you are in this line: for (i = 1; i < ultimoId;i++) {

line 43 if you look at some Ide.

Follow the script:

$(document).ready(function () {

    var conf = [{
        codigo: "",
        desconto: "",
        string: "",
        auxString: "",
        auxNum: "",
        descontoNum: "",
        auxDesconto: "",
        valorFinal: "",
        auxFinal2: "",
        valorFinalDesconto: "",
        idInicial: ""

    function apenasNumeros(string) {
        var numsStr2 = string.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
        return parseInt(numsStr2);

    function apenasNumeros2(desconto) {
        var InternoDesconto = desconto.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
        return parseInt(InternoDesconto);

    var i = "";
    var j = "";
    var string = "";
    var auxString = "";
    var auxNum = "";
    var desconto = "";
    var descontoNum = "";
    var auxDesconto = "";
    var valorFinalDesconto = "";
    var valorFinal = "";
    var auxFinal2 = "";
    var resultado = "";

    var ultimoId = $(".shelfNewPriceWrapper").attr("id");
    j = 0;
    for (i = 1; i < ultimoId;i++) {

        string = $("#" + i + "").html();
        auxString = apenasNumeros(string);

        auxNum = auxString / 100;

        desconto = $(".highlightWrapper p").html();

        descontoNum = apenasNumeros2(desconto);

        auxDesconto = descontoNum / 100;

        valorFinalDesconto = (auxNum * auxDesconto);
        valorFinal = (auxNum) - (valorFinalDesconto);
        auxFinal2 = valorFinal.toFixed(2);

        conf[j].codigo = i;
        conf[j].desconto = desconto;
        conf[j].string = string;
        conf[j].auxString = auxString;
        conf[j].auxNum = auxNum;
        conf[j].descontoNum = descontoNum;
        conf[j].auxDesconto = auxDesconto;
        conf[j].valorFinal = valorFinal;
        conf[j].auxFinal2 = auxFinal2;
        conf[j].valorFinalDesconto = valorFinalDesconto;

        resultado = conf[j].auxFinal2;
        console.log("indice:" + j);
        $("#" + i + "").html('R$ ' + resultado + ' ');

        string = "";
        auxString = "";
        auxNum = "";
        desconto = "";
        descontoNum = "";
        auxDesconto = "";
        valorFinalDesconto = "";
        valorFinal = "";
        auxFinal2 = "";
        resultado = "";



What could be happening so that it does not execute this FOR?


#set($id = $product.Id)
#set($uri = $product.Uri)
#set($escapedName = $product.HtmlEscapedName)
#set($evaluationRate = $product.EvaluationRate) 

<!-- class: shelf prateleira vitrine home -->
<div class="shelfImageWrapper">
	<div class="shelfButtonWrapper">
		<div class="shelfAmountInCart">
		<!--<div class="shelfBuyButtomWrapper">
	<a class="shefImage" title="$escapedName" rel="nofollow" href="$uri">
		<div class="shelfImage-1">$product.GetImageTag(235,235)</div>

<div class="shelfInformationWrapper">
	<input type="hidden" value="$product.BestPrice" class="qd_productPrice" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$product.ListPrice" class="qd_productOldPrice" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$product.NumbersOfInstallment" class="qd_sp_installments" />
	<h3><a title="$escapedName" href="$uri" rel="nofollow">$product.Name</a></h3>
	#if ($product.IsInStock)
		<div class="yv-review-quickreview" value="$id"></div>
		<p class="shelfPriceWrapper">
			<a title="$escapedName" rel="nofollow" href="$uri">
				#if ($product.HasBestPrice)
					<span class="shelfOldPriceWrapper">De $product.ListPrice</span>
			Por	<span class="shelfNewPriceWrapper" id="$id">$product.BestPrice </span> <span>à vista</span>
				<span class="installmentWrapper">
					#if ($product.NumbersOfInstallment > 1)
						em até
						<strong class="installment"> ${product.NumbersOfInstallment}x </strong> 
						<strong class="InstallmentValue"> $product.InstallmentValue </strong> 
					#if ($product.HasBestPrice)
						<span class="saveAmount">economize <span class="qd_saveAmount">R$ </span> <small>(</small><span class="qd_saveAmountPercent">%</span><small>)</small></span>
		<p class="outOfStock">Produto Indisponível</p> 
#if ($product.IsInStock)
	<div class="shelfStampsWrapper">
		<a title="Clique para ver as condições de frete" class="highlightWrapper" rel="nofollow" href="#" data-reveal-id="frete-gratis-vitrine" data-animation="fade">$product.HightLight</a>
		<a title="$escapedName" class="highlightWrapper" rel="nofollow" href="$uri">$product.DiscountHightLight</a>
asked by anonymous 18.09.2015 / 16:45

1 answer


I was able to solve my code problem as follows:

"undefined" != typeof jQuery && jQuery(".flag").each(function() {
  var e = jQuery(this);
  if (e.is(':contains(",")') || e.is(':contains(".")')) {
    var t = e.html();
    t = t.split(" - ");
    var r, i = t[0];
    i = jQuery.trim(i), "%" == i.substr(i.length - 1, 1) ? (i = i.substr(0, i.length - 1), r = "%") : (i = i.substr(2), r = "R$"), i = jQuery.trim(i), i = i.replace(",", "."), i = Number(i);
    var a = e.parents(".data").find(".bestPrice").html();
    if (a = jQuery.trim(a), a = a.substr(3), a = a.replace(",", "."), a = Number(a), "%" == r) {
      var s = a * i / 100,
        n = Math.ceil(a - s);
      n = n.toFixed(2)
    } else if ("R$" == r) {
      var n = Math.ceil(a - i);
      n = n.toFixed(2)
    e.parents(".data").find(".bestPrice").html("R$" + n), e.html(t[1])
05.10.2015 / 19:36