function move_patr_seri(Origem, Destino)
var w_Cont_Qtde = 0;
var w_Qtde_Peri = 4;
var v_patr = new Array();
var w_valor = Origem.value;
var w_tipo;
w_tipo = "S";
if(Origem.name == "tx_patr")
w_tipo = "P";
if (w_Cont_Qtde <= w_Qtde_Peri - 1)
if ((v_patr.indexOf(w_tipo+w_valor) == -1) && (w_valor != ""))
var opt = document.createElement("option");
opt.text = w_valor ;
opt.value = w_valor ;
//Cria o Vetor
v_patr[w_Cont_Qtde] = w_tipo + w_valor;
w_Cont_Qtde = w_Cont_Qtde + 1;
if (Origem.name == "tx_patr"){ document.forms['sai_frm_incl_patr_seri'].tx_patr.focus();}
else { document.forms['sai_frm_incl_patr_seri'].tx_seri.focus(); }
return true;
alert("Patrimônio OU Serial já existe OU não é válido!");
return true;
if(w_ver == 1){
alert("Quantidade atingida!");
if(confirm("Deseja inserir a mesma quantidade para ambos?") == true)
w_cont = w_Qtde_Peri;
w_ver = 0;
w_Qtde_Peri = w_Qtde_Peri + w_Qtde_Peri;
return true;
alert("Quantidade informada ja Incluida !!!");
return true;
function tira(Destino)
var w_letra;
var w_tira;
w_letra = "S";
if (Destino.name == "cb_Patr"){
w_letra = "P";
var i;
for(i = 0; i < Destino.options.length; i++)
if (Destino.options[i].selected && Destino.options[i].value != "")
w_tira = w_letra+Destino.options[i].value;
v_patr.splice(v_patr.indexOf(w_tira), 1);
w_Cont_Qtde = w_Cont_Qtde - 1;
<form name="sai_frm_incl_patr_seri" method="post" >
<font face="arial" align="center" valign="middle" color="blue" size="-1">PATRIMÔNIO</font><br>
<input type="text" name="tx_patr" id="id_patr" maxlength="12" size="12" style="font-size:11; color:Black;" onkeypress="return SomenteNumero(event);" onkeyup="Mascara(this,Patri);" value="">
<input type="button" onClick="move_patr_seri(this.form.tx_patr,this.form.cb_Patr);limpa_patr();" value=">>">
<select multiple size="7" name="cb_Patr" style="width:300">
<input type="button" align="center" valign="middle" onClick="tira(this.form.cb_Patr)" value="<<">
I have a snippet of code that the user inserts data into a box and can remove if so desired. So that was the inclusion part. Now I'm in the part of "change" which basically is the same code, where I just populate the box with the data that the user typed and he sees if he wants to remove or insert more data. But, the function is not extracting the data it is showing. Code:
<font face="arial" align="center" valign="middle" color="blue" size="-1">PATRIMÔNIO</font><br>
<input type="text" name="tx_patr" id="id_patr" maxlength="12" size="12" style="font-size:11; color:Black;" onkeypress="return SomenteNumero(event);" onkeyup="Mascara(this,Patri);" value="">
<input type="button" onClick="move_patr_seri(this.form.tx_patr,this.form.cb_Patr);limpa_patr();" value=">>">
<select multiple size="7" name="cb_Patr" style="width:300">
while($w_registro = pg_fetch_object($w_queryresultado))
print('<option value="'.$w_registro->tx_num_patr.'">'.trim($w_registro->tx_num_patr).'</option>'."\n");
<input type="button" align="center" valign="middle" onClick="tira(this.form.cb_Patr)" value="<<">
In this section I have the box and the buttons to include and remove in the box!
if (Destino.name == "cb_Patr"){
w_letra = "P";
var i;
for(i = 0; i < Destino.options.length; i++)
if (Destino.options[i].selected && Destino.options[i].value != "")
w_tira = w_letra+Destino.options[i].value;
v_patr.splice(v_patr.indexOf(w_tira), 1);
w_Cont_Qtde = w_Cont_Qtde - 1;
This is the função
which removes the data from the box
, where v_patr
contains the data that it reported on the inclusion and the w_letra is appended in front of the value to remove it from v_patr as well (because it is added in the letters before).
The problem is in v_patr.splice(v_patr.indexOf(w_tira), 1);
, where I am adding the data in it like this:
$w_select ="SELECT * FROM public.sai_cad_patr_seri WHERE
sai_cad_patr_seri.fk_seq_cara_peri = '$arr_w_param[17]'";
$w_querybusc = "$w_select;";
$index = 0;
$patr = array();
$seri = array();
while($w_registro = pg_fetch_object($w_queryresult))
$patr[$index] = "P".trim($w_registro->tx_num_patr);
$seri[$index] = "S".trim($w_registro->tx_num_seri);
$string_patr = implode(",", $patr);
$string_seri = implode(",", $seri);
print("<SCRIPT language=javascript>
v_patr = new Array (2);
v_patr = string_patr+','+ string_seri;