How to read multiple lines from a text file (.txt) and store them in the same variable?


Does anyone have an idea to help me extract the lines below that always appear in this pattern?

Palavra1 (é sempre igual)
Linha a ser extraida, de tamanho variavel
Linha a ser extraida, de tamanho variavel
Linha a ser extraida, de tamanho variavel
Palavra2 (é sempre igual)

bla bla bla
bla bla bla

Palavra1 (é sempre igual)
Linha a ser extraida, de tamanho variavel
Linha a ser extraida, de tamanho variavel
Linha a ser extraida, de tamanho variavel
Palavra2 (é sempre igual)

The 3 lines are parts of the same information that I should save in a single variable and display the user, but at the time of file conversion, they ended up being played in 2, 3 or 4 lines.

Here is the code I've come up with:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    linha = arquivoEntrada.readLine() + 1; //pula a linha
    if(!linha.startsWith("palavra2")){ //minha condição de parada
        sb.append(linha + " "); //StringBuffer pra ir armazenando as linhas lidas
                                //como fazer o sistema pular a linha agora??????
    } else {

    variavelQualquer = sb.toString();

With this code, I can only get the first line. I tried with while instead of the second if , but it did not work.

Any help would be welcome.

asked by anonymous 15.10.2014 / 18:56

1 answer


I suggest the following:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
linha = arquivoEntrada.readLine();
    if (linha.startsWith("Palavra1"))//verifica se começa pela Palavra e não
        String linhaAux = arquivoEntrada.readLine();
        while (linhaAux != null && !linhaAux.startsWith("Palavra2"))
            sb.append(linhaAux + " ");
            linhaAux = arquivoEntrada.readLine();
    linha = arquivoEntrada.readLine();
} while (linha != null)
15.10.2014 / 19:17